Silifke Müzesi'nde Bulunan Klasik Döneme Ait Kabartmalı Mermer Blok
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Silifke Müzesi deposunda saklanan, dikdörtgen prizma biçimli, her bir yüzü kabartma figür bezemeli mermer blok, Grek sanatına ait Kilikya’da ender bulunan önemli Klasik Devir plastik eserlerinden birisidir. Bloğun yüzleri A-D harfleri ile tanımlanmış olup, eksik de olsa oldukça iyi korunabilen A yüzünde sağına dönük, giyimli ve ayakta genç bir kadın figürü yer almıştır. Biraz daha fazla aşınmış ve genç kadının sağına düşen B yüzünde ise, yine sağa doğru hareket eden, fakat başını geriye çevirmiş, ayakta bir erkek figürü tasvir edilmiştir. A yüzünde yer alan kadının sağ kolunu aşağı ve ileriye, B yüzündeki erkeğe doğru uzatması ve aynı zamanda erkeğin başını geriye, kadına doğru çevirmiş olması her iki figürün el ele tutuşmuş olabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Erkek figürünün yer aldığı B yüzünü takip eden sağ taraftaki C yüzü ile devamındaki D yüzü neredeyse tamamen tahrip olmuştur. Buna karşın görülebildiği kadarıyla bu yüzlerde de diğer taraflarda yer alan erkek ve kadın ile ilişkili olduğu anlaşılan başka iki figürün daha yer aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Silifke kabartması üzerinde gerek iyi korunan gerekse kısmen günümüze ulaşan figürlerin jestlerinin ikonografik açıdan incelenmesi bunların mezar steli ya da anıtı geleneğinde yaratılmış figürler olduğunu göstermektedir. Buna bağlı olarak Silifke Kabartması’nın İÖ. 5. yüzyılın sonlarında yaratılmış bir mezar anıtı olduğu düşünülmelidir.
The marble block which is kept in the Silifke Museum and is decorated with relief figures on each face has a rectangular prism shape and is one of the important plastic works of the Classical Era pertaining to Greek art, rarely found in Cilicia. Faces of the block are described with the letters A- D. The figure of a young woman who is turned rightwards and is dressed is depicted on the A face which is despite some missings pretty well protected. The figure of a man which again moves towards right, has turned his head backwards and is depicted on the B face which is less worn. The extension of the right arm of the woman downwards and forward on the A face, that is towards the man on the B face and furthermore the man directing his head backwards, that is, towards the woman make us think that they were holding the hands of each other. The C face which is the rightside following the B face shows a man. The D face which is its continuance completely fell into ruin. But however, as much as it can be observed, it’s determined on these faces that two more figures must have taken place related to the mentioned man and woman figures on the other sides. Iconographic examination of signs of figures on the Silifke reliefs which are either protected well or partly have reached the present time, represent figures created in the tradition of tomb stele or monuments. Therefore, it must be considered that the Silifke relief is a tomb monument created at the end of 5th cent. BC.
The marble block which is kept in the Silifke Museum and is decorated with relief figures on each face has a rectangular prism shape and is one of the important plastic works of the Classical Era pertaining to Greek art, rarely found in Cilicia. Faces of the block are described with the letters A- D. The figure of a young woman who is turned rightwards and is dressed is depicted on the A face which is despite some missings pretty well protected. The figure of a man which again moves towards right, has turned his head backwards and is depicted on the B face which is less worn. The extension of the right arm of the woman downwards and forward on the A face, that is towards the man on the B face and furthermore the man directing his head backwards, that is, towards the woman make us think that they were holding the hands of each other. The C face which is the rightside following the B face shows a man. The D face which is its continuance completely fell into ruin. But however, as much as it can be observed, it’s determined on these faces that two more figures must have taken place related to the mentioned man and woman figures on the other sides. Iconographic examination of signs of figures on the Silifke reliefs which are either protected well or partly have reached the present time, represent figures created in the tradition of tomb stele or monuments. Therefore, it must be considered that the Silifke relief is a tomb monument created at the end of 5th cent. BC.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Arkeoloji, Cilicia, Silifke Museum, Classical Sculpture, tomb iconographic, Hermes Psychopompos, dexiosis, Kilikya, Silifke Müzesi, Klasik heykeltıraşlık, mezar ikonografisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Doksanaltı, E. M., Özgan, R., (2008). Silifke Müzesi'nde Bulunan Klasik Döneme Ait Kabartmalı Mermer Blok. Olba, (16), 207-226.