Alt ekstremite operasyonlarında intratekal hiperbarik bupivakain ve hiperbarik bupivakain+sufentanil kombinasyonunun karşılaştırılması
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Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Lipofilik opioidlerin özellikle fentanil ve sufentanilin spinal anesteziye ilave edilerek kullanılması giderek artmaya başlamıştır. Hiperbarik bupivakaine sufentanil ilave edilmesinin çeşitli faydalı etkileri gösterilmiştir. İntratekal sufentanil efektif analjezi süresini ve postoperatif ağrısız dönemi uzatmada yararlı bulunmuştur. Çalışmamızın amacı hiperbarik bupivakainin tek başına kullanıldığında ve sufentanil ilave edildiğinde hemodinamik değişiklikler, duyusal ve motor blok, yan etkiler ve postoperatif analjezi gereksinimini değerlendirmek idi. ASA I-II grubundan 50 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi ve rastgele iki gruba ayrıldı. Hastaların hiçbirine premedikasyon uygulanmadı. Grup S'e 10 mg hiperbarik bupivakain+10 μg sufentanil, Grup K'ya 10 mg hiperbarik bupivakain uygulandı. Her iki gruba toplam 4 mL solüsyon verildi. Noninvaziv arteriyel kan basıncı, kalp hızı, SpO2, duyusal ve motor blok seviyeleri ilk 30 dk her 5 dk'da bir, sonraki 30 dk 10 dk'da bir ve operasyon süresince her 15 dk'da bir kaydedildi. Sistolik, diyastolik ve ortalama arter basınçları, kalp hızı her iki grupta kontrol değere göre belirgin olarak düştü. Gruplar arasında ise fark bulunmadı. Duyusal bloğun başlangıç zamanı Grup S'de daha kısa idi ve duyusal blok Grup S'de Grup K'dan daha yüksekti. Postoperatif analjezi süresi Grup S'de Grup K'dan daha uzundu. Motor bloğun başlama zamanı ve derecesi bakımından her iki grupda fark bulunmadı. Yan etkilerin sıklığı kaşıntı dışında her iki grupta benzerdi. Sufentanil verilen hastalarda insidansı daha yüksek olmasına rağmen sadece 2 hastada rahatsız edici kaşıntıdan dolayı tedavi gerekti. Sonuç olarak sufentanil eklenen veya eklenmeyen hiperbarik bupivakainin cerrahi operasyonlarda efektif analjezi sağladığı ve intratekal 10 μg sufentanilin hiperbarik bupivakaine eklendiğinde kaşıntı dışında belirgin bir komplikasyona sebep olmaksızın postoperatif dönemde analjezi süresini arttırdığı gözlendi.
Lipophilic opioids especially fentanyl and sufentanil are increased being administered intrathecally as adjuncts to spinal anesthesia. The additional of sufentanil to hyperbaric bupivacaine have shown several beneficial effects. Intrathecal sufentanil prolonged the duration of effective analgesia and provided longer pain relief in the postoperative period. The aim of our study was evaluated the effects of hyperbaric bupivacaine with or without sufentanil hemodynamic changes, sensory and motor blocks in intraoperative period, postoperative analgesia and the incidence of adverse side effects. Fifty patients (ASA I-II) were included in this study and were allocated randomly to two groups of 25 each. Premedication was ommited. 10 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine+10 μg sufentanil was injected to Group S. The same dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine given to Group K with 2 mL 0.9% NaCl 4 mL solution was used in both groups. Noninvasive arterial blood pressure, heart rate, SpO2, sensory and motor blocks were recorded every 5 minutes during first 30 min, every 10 min for following 30 min, and every 15 min intervals in the operation period. Intraoperative/postoperative side effects and postoperative analgesic requirements were recorded. Systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, heart rate were decreases significantly in both groups than control value and no significant difference were noted between the groups. The onset time of sensory block was shorter in group S and sensory block was higher in Group S than Group K. The duration of analgesia was longer in Group S than Group K. The onset time and degree of motor block was similiar in both groups. The frequency of side effects except pruritus was similiar in both groups. Despite the high incidence of pruritus in patients receiving sufentanil, only two patient required treatment because of significant discomfort. In conclusion hyperbaric bupivacaine with or without sufentanil provides effective analgesia during the surgical operation. Intrathecal 10 μg sufentanil added to hyperbaric bupivacaine increased the duration of analgesia in the early postoperative period without any important complication except pruritus. Patients in the Group S had the highest incidence of pruritus. Two patients was given treatment. 10 μg sufentanil plus hyperbaric bupivacaine provided to improve both the quality and duration of analgesia in this procedures.
Lipophilic opioids especially fentanyl and sufentanil are increased being administered intrathecally as adjuncts to spinal anesthesia. The additional of sufentanil to hyperbaric bupivacaine have shown several beneficial effects. Intrathecal sufentanil prolonged the duration of effective analgesia and provided longer pain relief in the postoperative period. The aim of our study was evaluated the effects of hyperbaric bupivacaine with or without sufentanil hemodynamic changes, sensory and motor blocks in intraoperative period, postoperative analgesia and the incidence of adverse side effects. Fifty patients (ASA I-II) were included in this study and were allocated randomly to two groups of 25 each. Premedication was ommited. 10 mg hyperbaric bupivacaine+10 μg sufentanil was injected to Group S. The same dose of hyperbaric bupivacaine given to Group K with 2 mL 0.9% NaCl 4 mL solution was used in both groups. Noninvasive arterial blood pressure, heart rate, SpO2, sensory and motor blocks were recorded every 5 minutes during first 30 min, every 10 min for following 30 min, and every 15 min intervals in the operation period. Intraoperative/postoperative side effects and postoperative analgesic requirements were recorded. Systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, heart rate were decreases significantly in both groups than control value and no significant difference were noted between the groups. The onset time of sensory block was shorter in group S and sensory block was higher in Group S than Group K. The duration of analgesia was longer in Group S than Group K. The onset time and degree of motor block was similiar in both groups. The frequency of side effects except pruritus was similiar in both groups. Despite the high incidence of pruritus in patients receiving sufentanil, only two patient required treatment because of significant discomfort. In conclusion hyperbaric bupivacaine with or without sufentanil provides effective analgesia during the surgical operation. Intrathecal 10 μg sufentanil added to hyperbaric bupivacaine increased the duration of analgesia in the early postoperative period without any important complication except pruritus. Patients in the Group S had the highest incidence of pruritus. Two patients was given treatment. 10 μg sufentanil plus hyperbaric bupivacaine provided to improve both the quality and duration of analgesia in this procedures.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Alt Ekstremite Operasyonları, Lower Extremity Operations, İntratekal Hiperbarik Bupivakain, Intrathecal Hyperbaric Bupivacaine, Sufentanil
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Sarkılar, G. (2002). Alt ekstremite operasyonlarında intratekal hiperbarik bupivakain ve hiperbarik bupivakain+sufentanil kombinasyonunun karşılaştırılması. (Uzmanlık Tezi). Selçuk Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Konya.