Türkiye’de Uygulanan %10 Genel Seçim Barajının Serbest Seçim Hakkını İhlal Sorunu
2008 Aralık
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye‘de genel seçimlerde uygulanan %10‘luk baraj, demokratik
hukuk devleti ilkesini ve serbest seçim hakkını ihlal ettiği gerekçesi ile sürekli
tartışılmaktadır. Yüksek baraj nedeniyle birçok siyasi partinin parlamentoda
temsil edilememesi, parlamentonda ―adil bir temsil‖ sorunu gündeme getirdiği;
seçme ve seçilme hakkını suni bir müdahale ile engellediği iddia edilmektedir.
Bu makalede, %10 genel baraj uygulaması Anayasa Mahkemesi ve Avrupa
İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi kararları ışığında değerlendirilmiş ve genel barajın
serbest seçim hakkını ihlal edip etmediği konusu aydınlatılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu
kapsamda öncelikle serbest seçim hakkının kapsamı ve unsurları incelenmiştir.
Daha sonra Türkiye‘de uygulanan seçimler ve seçim barajları ele alınmıştır.
Ayrıca seçim barajlarına ilişkin Anayasa Mahkemesi‘nin 1961 ve 1982
Anayasası döneminde verdiği kararlar incelenmiştir. Son olarak Avrupa İnsan
Hakları Mahkemesi‘nin %10‘luk genel baraj hakkında verdiği karar ele
The 10% barrage applied in the general elections of Turkey has been constantly debated, because it has been argued that the barrage violates the right for free election and the principle of democratic and lawful state. It has been claimed that, because of the high rate of the barrage, many political parties can not be represented in the parliament, and this brings the question of ―fair representation‖ into the agenda of the country and violates the right for elected and being elected by artificial intervention. In this study, the 10 % barrage was examined within the framework of the rules made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey and European Court of Human Rights and it was tried to enlighten whether 10 % barrage violates the right for free elections in Turkey. For this purpose, the context and elements of the right for free elections are scrutinized first. Then, previous elections of Turkey and barrages applied in them were studied. In addition, the rules of the barrages made by the Constitutional Court based on the constitutions published in 1961 and 1982 were examined. Lastly, the rule of the European court of human rights about the 10% barrage was discussed.
The 10% barrage applied in the general elections of Turkey has been constantly debated, because it has been argued that the barrage violates the right for free election and the principle of democratic and lawful state. It has been claimed that, because of the high rate of the barrage, many political parties can not be represented in the parliament, and this brings the question of ―fair representation‖ into the agenda of the country and violates the right for elected and being elected by artificial intervention. In this study, the 10 % barrage was examined within the framework of the rules made by the Constitutional Court of Turkey and European Court of Human Rights and it was tried to enlighten whether 10 % barrage violates the right for free elections in Turkey. For this purpose, the context and elements of the right for free elections are scrutinized first. Then, previous elections of Turkey and barrages applied in them were studied. In addition, the rules of the barrages made by the Constitutional Court based on the constitutions published in 1961 and 1982 were examined. Lastly, the rule of the European court of human rights about the 10% barrage was discussed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
serbest seçim hakkı, seçim sistemleri, %10 genel baraj, temsilde adalet ve yönetimde istikrar, right for free election, election system, 10% general barrage, justice in representation and stability in governance
Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Eren, A., (2008). Türkiye’de Uygulanan %10 Genel Seçim Barajının Serbest Seçim Hakkını İhlal Sorunu. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 63-110.