Televizyonda Yayınlanan Sağlık Programları ve İzleyicileri | Bulduklu, Yasin | | | 2023-02-25T12:31:21Z | | | 2023-02-25T12:31:21Z | | | 2010 | en_US |
dc.department | Selçuk Üniversitesi | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Dünya Sağlık Örgütünce, “yalnızca hastalık veya rahatsızlığın olmaması değil aynı zamanda zihnen, bedenen ve sosyal açıdan tam bir iyilik hali” olarak tanımlanan sağlık, bireyin öznel değerlendirmesiyle ilgili bir kavramdır. Pek çok tanımı yapılmış olan iletişim ise, en basit tanımıyla kaynaktan hedefe amaçlı bilgi aktarımı sürecidir. Sağlık bilgisi ve iletişim araçlarına erişim olanakları, sağlıklı yaşam, sağlık sonuçlarının başarısı ve sağlık bakım hizmetlerinin kalitesi açısından oldukça önemlidir. İletişim ve sağlık alanlarını birbirine bağlayan sağlık iletişimi, “sağlığın geliştirilmesi amacıyla yapılan uygulamalara, iletişim kural ve stratejilerinin uygulanmasıdır.” Bireylerin kendi arasında, hekim ile hasta arasında ve kitle iletişim araçları üzerinden gerçekleşen sağlıkla ilgili tüm bilgi alış verişleri sağlık iletişimi çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır. Bir sağlık iletişimi çalışması olan bu araştırmada kitle iletişiminin en etkilisi olan televizyon aracılığıyla sunulan sağlık programlarının, onun izleyicilerinin ve izleme motivasyonlarının Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Yaklaşımı çerçevesinde incelenmektedir. Araştırma iki aşamadan oluşmaktadır. İlk aşamada ulusal ölçekte yayın yapan üç televizyon kanalından 100 birim sağlık programının içerikleri “içerik analizi” tekniğinin yöntemleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. İlk kısımda yapılan analiz sonucunda; sağlık programlarının temel amacının toplumsal sağlık eğitimi ve sağlığın geliştirilmesi olduğu, toplumsal bilinci artırıcı iletilere yer verildiği, konuya ilgi çekmek amacıyla korku ve kaygı yaratıcı ifadelerin sıkça kullanıldığı ve katılan uzman hekimlerin büyük çoğunluğunun özel mülkiyete ait sağlık kuruluşlarından davet edildiği ortaya konmuştur. İkinci aşama sağlık programlarının izleyicilerinin izleme motivasyonlarını saptamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaçla Konya’da yaşayan 763 kişiden yüz yüze görüşme tekniğiyle ve soru formu yardımıyla veriler toplanmıştır. İkinci aşamanın sonuçlarına göre ise; sağlık programı izleyicilerinin, bu programları enformasyon-farkındalık (%16.20), destek bulma ve özdeşleştirme (%11.60), sosyal aktivite ve alışkanlık (%9.73), paylaşma ve güven (%8.64) motivasyonları ile izlediği gözlemlenmiştir. | en_US |
dc.description.abstract | Described as “not only the unexistence of a disease or a disorder but also exact wellness in terms of mental, physical and social aspects” by WHO, health is term subjectively evaluated by the individual. However, communication described in many different ways so far is the process with its simplest meaning in which information is transmitted from a source to the receiver with an aim. Health information and communication opportunities are important for the quality of health care applications, succesful of health outcomes and healthier life. Connecting the health and the communication with each other, health communication means “the application of the communicative rules and strategies on procedures performed to develop health.” Health is an area where effective communication is fairly important, as good communication, contributes to improve of healthcare quality. Healthcare providers with good communication skills, contribute their success is the achievement of better health outcomes. All informative transmissions related to health on mass media instruments, between individuals, and patients and doctors are considered in the frame of health communication. Health communication has emerged as a academic field over the past three decades. Health communication goals to improve health outcomes by sharing health information. Thus, attempts to change behaviors and to raise of awareness in a target audience regarding health or health issues and solutions. With this purpose used to health promotion, health education and disease prevention methods. In this context “health promotion” is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. “Health education” is training people about health and health issues. An health educational program directed to improve, maintain, and safeguard the health of the community or person. “Disease Prevention” is focuses on the avoidance of illness and minimization of threat. Health communication interventions goal is change to health behavior. Health behavior is an action taken by a person to maintain, attain, or regain health and to prevent illness. A number of theories has been developed to predict, explain, and change health behavior. In literature health behavior models that have shaped health communication strategies are drawn primarily from the fields of psychology. These theories in this study includes: Health Belief Model, the Theory of Reasoned Action, the Transtheoretical Model, Social Cognitive Theory, and Diffusion of Innovations Theory. This models the purpose of predicting and explaining health behaviors. The Health Belief Model assesses a person’s likelihood of undertaking a preventive health behavior based on the person’s perceptions of susceptibility to disease, benefits of the proposed action and barriers to making the change. Theory of Reasoned Action, prediction of behavioral intention, spanning predictions of attitude and predictions of behavior. Transtheoretical Model posits “stages of change” in which a person moves from precontemplation to maintenance of a behavior change. Social Cognitive Theory identifies behavior as an interaction of personal factors, behavior, and the environment. This include health behavior change to include environmental and social factors. Diffusion of Innovations Theory, seeks to explain, how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through population. There is not broadly acceptance of theories in health communication area. But in this study examines the communication theories adapted to health communication approaches include: Rhetorical Model, interested to persuasive discourse and the art of using language to communicate effectively. Semiotic Tradition, focus on the nature of individual signs and sing meanings in health communication. Phenomenological Model, theorizes communication as dialogue or experience of others. In Cybernetic Model, communication is theorized as information processing-processing that allows systems to function. Communication, according to the Sociopsychological Model, is “a process in which the behavior of humans or other complex organisms expresses psychological mechanisms, states, and traits and, through interaction with similar expressions of other individuals, produces a range of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral effects.” In Sociocultural Model, communication is shared systems of beliefs, values, language, political economy, and various other institutional arrangements make communication possible. Finally, according to the Critical Theory, genuine communication occurs in the process of discursive reflection, but material and ideological practices in community often preclude or distort discursive reflection and hence prevent authentic communication. Health messages are widely covered in the media, and specially on television. Many people expose to willingly or unwillingly these messages. Television offer effective facilities for communicating health related messages, which can increase knowledge and changing negative behavior of target audiences. Television, provide enormous amounts of information about health in variety programs This information may be correct or incorrect. It provide facilitates for Health Education and disease prevention. But it is impersonal and typically involves only one-way communication. Despite, all television health programs are very important for the community health. Therefore many television broadcasters are interested in this field. And each passing day has launched a new health program on television channels. Related to health communication, this study investigates health programs via television, the most effective one of mass media instruments and their audiences in the frame of the uses and gratifications approach. This study is composed of two stages. During the first stage, the contents of 100 units of health programs from three national TV stations were analyzed via “content analysis” technique. This content analysis stage to examine the content of health messages, program goals, and structure of programs present in televisions health programs from 1 March – 31 August 2008.According to the data during the first stage, it was determined that the main goal of health programs is the development of health education and the health status in society, is to cover the messages to increase social awareness, phrases to lead to horror and anxiety in public is mostly used in order to draw attention to the topic, and most of the doctors attending these programs are invited from private health clinics. The second stage is to aim at determining the watching motivations of the health program audiences. For this reason, data accumulated from 763 people living in Konya by interviewing. This research data were collected with questionnaire method. This questionnaire consisted of five sections; first section questions are related to determination of participants’ health status, second section questions, participants’ interest of health programs, third section questions, participants’ judgments about television health programs, fourth section questions, participants’ viewed motivations of health programs, and finally fifth section questions, participants’ sociodemographic characteristics. According to the results of the second stage, the following motivation rates were determined: information-awareness (16.20%), finding a support and identification (11.60%), social activities and habits ( 9.73%), sharing and confidence (8.64%). | en_US |
dc.identifier.citation | Bulduklu, Y., (2010). Televizyonda Yayınlanan Sağlık Programları ve İzleyicileri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 75-85. | en_US |
dc.identifier.endpage | 85 | en_US |
dc.identifier.issn | 2667-4750 | en_US |
dc.identifier.issue | 24 | en_US |
dc.identifier.startpage | 75 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.institutionauthor | Bulduklu, Yasin | |
dc.language.iso | tr | en_US |
dc.publisher | Selçuk Üniversitesi | en_US |
dc.relation.ispartof | Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi | en_US |
dc.relation.publicationcategory | Makale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı | en_US |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | en_US |
dc.selcuk | 20240510_oaig | en_US |
dc.subject | Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar | en_US |
dc.subject | Aktif izleyici | en_US |
dc.subject | Sağlık İletişimi | en_US |
dc.subject | Sağlık Davranış Modelleri | en_US |
dc.subject | Televizyonda Sağlık | en_US |
dc.subject | Uses and Gratifications | en_US |
dc.subject | Active Audiences | en_US |
dc.subject | Health Communication | en_US |
dc.subject | Health Behavioral Models | en_US |
dc.subject | Health on Television | en_US |
dc.title | Televizyonda Yayınlanan Sağlık Programları ve İzleyicileri | en_US |
dc.title.alternative | Health Programs on Televisions and Its Audiences | en_US |
dc.type | Article | en_US |