Göçmen yazın süreci çerçevesinde Feridun Zaimoğlu ve anlatısı
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu makale 1960’larda göçle başlayan bir edebiyat sürecini ve zamanla Almanya gerçeğinin büsbütün değişimini farklı bir bakış açısıyla anlatan Feridun Zaimoğlu’nun söylemini inceler. Yazarın dili alaylı, sözcüklerinin anlamı ve sesi keskindir. Yazar, göç olgusunun siyasal bir olgu ve gerçek olduğuna dikkat çeker. Böylece Almanya’daki bütün yabancı kökenli göçmenlerin idolü, Malcom-X’i olur. Sokağın dilini ve argosunu kullanarak siyasal erkin mevcut sorunlara karşı duyarsızlığını protesto eder. Bu anlatı tutumu sadece mesajı güçlendirmez aynı zamanda Alman dilini de bozar. Avrupa edebiyat çevrelerinin sert eleştirilerine rağmen bugün önemli ödüllere lâyık görülmektedir.
This article examines a literary process which began in the 1960s with migration and the discourse of Feridun Zaimoglu who narrates the almost completely-changed Germany reality from a different point of view. The language of narrator is ironic, the meaning and its sound are sharply. The narrator keeps in view that the migration is a political fact and reality. Thus, he becomes a speaker, Malcom-X of all different ethnic backgrounds people. Using street and slang language, he protests the insensitiveness of the political power against current problems. This attitude in the narration strengthens not only the message but also damages the German language. Though he was highly criticized by the critics of European literature, his narration has been deemed to important rewards today.
This article examines a literary process which began in the 1960s with migration and the discourse of Feridun Zaimoglu who narrates the almost completely-changed Germany reality from a different point of view. The language of narrator is ironic, the meaning and its sound are sharply. The narrator keeps in view that the migration is a political fact and reality. Thus, he becomes a speaker, Malcom-X of all different ethnic backgrounds people. Using street and slang language, he protests the insensitiveness of the political power against current problems. This attitude in the narration strengthens not only the message but also damages the German language. Though he was highly criticized by the critics of European literature, his narration has been deemed to important rewards today.
URL: http://sefad.selcuk.edu.tr/sefad/article/view/92
Anahtar Kelimeler
Söylem, Göç olgusu, Duyarsızlık, Kanakça, Discourse, Migration fact, Insensitiveness, Kanakish, Feridun Zaimoğlu
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Can, Ö. (2011). Göçmen yazın süreci çerçevesinde Feridun Zaimoğlu ve anlatısı. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (25), 139-156.