Tüketicilerin beslenme bilgilerine erişmede kullandıkları kitle iletişim araçları üzerine bir araştırma
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Bu ara?tırmada, tüketicilerin beslenme bilgilerine eri?mede kullandıkları kitle ileti?im araçlarına ili?kin tercihleri, beslenme bilgilerini takip etme sıklıkları ve nedenleri, eri?tikleri bilgileri uygulama ve değerlendirme durumlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmı?tır. Betimsel nitelikteki bu çalı?ma, genel tarama yöntemi kullanılarak Konya il merkezinde 272 erkek, 303 kadın toplam 575 tüketici üzerinde yürütülmü?tür. Tüketicilerin beslenme bilgilerine eri?tikleri kitle ileti?im araçlarına ili?kin tercihleri, sırası ile TV (%29.1), gazete-dergi (%25.7), radyo (%23.0) ve internet (%22.1) olarak bulunmu?tur. Tüketicilerin kitle ileti?im araçlarından beslenme bilgilerini günlük ve haftalık olarak (%52.5) ve sağlıklarını korumak (%64.0) amacıyla takip ettikleri belirlenmi?tir. Tüketicilerin yemek tarifesi (%52.4) ve besin güvenliğine (%58.8) ili?kin edindikleri bilgileri uyguladıkları ve kitle ileti?im araçlarında yer alan beslenme bilgilerini anla?ılır (%64.9) ve bilimsel (%63.3) olarak değerlendirdikleri saptanmı?tır. Ara?tırmada, kitle ileti?im araçlarında yayınlanan beslenme ile bilgilerinin anla?ılır ve bilimsel olma özelliklerinin artırılması gerektiğini sonucuna varılmı?tır. Yeterli besin ve beslenme bilgisine sahip olan tüketiciler, kitle ileti?im araçlarınca yayınlanan konu ile ilgili bilgileri ele?tirel bir ?ekilde değerlendirebileceklerdir. Bu nedenle, gerek örgün eğitim gerekse yaygın eğitim kurumlarınca beslenme eğitimi çalı?malarına öncelik verilmelidir. Yayıncılar, haberciler ve haberin kaynağı ilgili alanın bilim insanları arasında i?birliğinin güçlendirilmeli ilgili dernek ve odalar bu i?birliğini güçlendirmede etkin olmalıdır.
This study aims to determine the preference of consumers regarding the means of mass media for nutrition information, their follow-up frequency of nutrition information and reasons, as well as their conditions to apply and evaluate the acquired knowledge. This descriptive study was carried out in Konya city center by using general screening method on 575 consumers (272 male and 303 female). The preference of consumers for means of mass media was determined respectively as TV (29.1%), Newspaper-Magazine (25.7%), Radio (23.0%) and Internet (22.1%). Consumers were determined to follow nutrition information through mass media on daily and weekly basis (52.5%) to protect their health (64.0%). It was found that consumers apprehensively (64.9%) and scientifically apply their nutrition information in mass media and use their knowledge on recipe (52.4%) and nutrition safety (58.8%). In the study, it was concluded that the nutrition information in mass media should be made more understandable and scientific. Consumers with adequate knowledge on nutrient and nutrition could make critical assessments on the information published in the mass media. Therefore, alimentation studies should be promoted both in formal and informal education institutions. Relevant society and associations should take active role to improve the relationship between Publishers, reporters, and news source as well as the cooperation between scientists.
This study aims to determine the preference of consumers regarding the means of mass media for nutrition information, their follow-up frequency of nutrition information and reasons, as well as their conditions to apply and evaluate the acquired knowledge. This descriptive study was carried out in Konya city center by using general screening method on 575 consumers (272 male and 303 female). The preference of consumers for means of mass media was determined respectively as TV (29.1%), Newspaper-Magazine (25.7%), Radio (23.0%) and Internet (22.1%). Consumers were determined to follow nutrition information through mass media on daily and weekly basis (52.5%) to protect their health (64.0%). It was found that consumers apprehensively (64.9%) and scientifically apply their nutrition information in mass media and use their knowledge on recipe (52.4%) and nutrition safety (58.8%). In the study, it was concluded that the nutrition information in mass media should be made more understandable and scientific. Consumers with adequate knowledge on nutrient and nutrition could make critical assessments on the information published in the mass media. Therefore, alimentation studies should be promoted both in formal and informal education institutions. Relevant society and associations should take active role to improve the relationship between Publishers, reporters, and news source as well as the cooperation between scientists.
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