Türkiye'de psikoloji ve din psikolojisi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Modern çağda gelişmeye başlayan psikolojinin kökleri, yeniçağdaki gelişmelere dayanmaktadır. Kopernik, Galile ve Newton gibi bilim adamlarının keşifleri, Yeniçağdaki bilim anlayışını oluşturmuştur. Böylece pozitif bilimler gelişmiştir. Pozitif bilimlerin metotlarının adapte edilmesiyle, 1879 yılında W. Wundt, Leipzig'de ilk psikoloji laboratuarını kurmuştur. Bu tarih, Modern Psikoloji'nin kuruluşu kabul edilmiştir. Fakat Psikoloji kökleri itibariyle psikoloji, en eski disiplinlerden biridir. Onun kökleri ilkçağ Yunan filozoflarına kadar uzanmaktadır. Ruhbilim olarak adlandırılan psikoloji, bu dönemlerde spekülasyon metodunu benimsemiştir. İçgözleme dayalı bir anlayışa hakimdir. Wundt'tan sonra psikolojinin gelişimi daha çok kurulan ekoller yoluyla devam etmiştir. Bu ekoller Yapısalcılık, İşlevselcilik, Davranışçılık, Psikanaliz, Gestalt Psikolojisi, Hümanist Psikoloji ve Bilişsel Psikoloji olmuştur. Türkiye açısından ise Psikoloji, Avrupa ve Amerika'daki gibi gelişmemiştir. Türkiye'de daha çok psikoloji bir bilim olarak 1900'lü yıllarda yaygınlaşmaya başlamıştır. Mustafa Şekip Tunç, Hilmi Ziya Ülken, Nurettin Topçu, Cemil Sena Ongun, Mümtaz Turhan, Muzaffer Şerif Başoğlu ve Mustafa Rahmi Balaban gibi bilim adamları Türkiye'de bilimsel psikolojinin kurucuları olurken, ayrıca İstanbul Üniversitesi Psikoloji Laboratuarı'nın katkıları büyük olmuştur. Fakat Psikoloji'nin ülkemize girişi, İstanbul Dar'ül-Fünun'da Aziz Efendi'nin Emcâzi Ekâlim (Mizaçlar ve İklim) dersiyle olmuştur. Batılı anlamdaki ilk Psikoloji eseri ise, Hoca Tahsin Efendi tarafından Psikoloji Yahut İlm-i Ruh adıyla yazılmıştır. Psikoloji'nin bir alt dalı Din Psikolojisi ise 19. yüzyılın sonlarında ortaya çıkmıştır. E. D. Starbuck ilk defa Din Psikolojisi adıyla kitap yayınlarken; W. James, Din Psikolojisi'nin kurucusu olmuştur. Türkiye açısından ise Din Psikolojisi, içerisinde barındırdığı İslamî gelenekten dolayı, Haris el-Muhâsibî, Kindî, Farabi, İbn Sina ve Gazzâli gibi mutasavvıfların katkılarıyla büyük bir birikime sahip olmuştur. Aslında Türkiye'de İlmu'n-Nefs ve İlm-ü Ahvali'r-Ruh gibi isimler altında daha önceleri eserler ortaya konulmuştur. 1900 ? 1950 yılları arasında Amerika ve Avrupa'da Din Psikolojisi'nin oldukça geniş bir alana sahip olduğu, Türkiye'de ise bu alanda geri kalındığı çok açık bir şekilde görülmektedir. Bu dönemde Türkiye'ye din psikolojisi açısından bakıldığında Mustafa Şekip Tunç, Nurettin Topçu, Mehmet İzzet ve Hilmi Ziya Ülken'in yazıları istisna edilirse, din psikolojisinin mahiyet ve istikametlerini belirten neşriyat yok denecek kadar az olmuştur.
The roots of psychology that has begun to develop in modern era date back to the developings in janissary. The discovers of the scientists like Kopernik, Galileo and Newton have formed the ide of science in janissary. So positive science has grown up. W. Wundt has established the first psycology laboratory in Leibzig in 1879 with the adaptation of the methods of positive science. This date has been known as the establishment of modern psycology. But psycology has been one of the oldest dicipline with the regards of the roots of psycology. Its roots on lied to antiquily Greek philoosophes. Psycology that has been named as soul science has accepted the method of speculation . At that time in psycology the idea of introspection has been dominated. The development of psycology after Wundt has continued by the help of schools. These schools have been Strukturalism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Psychoanalism, Gestalt Psychology, Humanistic Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. İn term of turkey psycology hasn?t developed like psycology in europe and America. Psycology in Turkey has begun to develop 1900s as a science Mustafa Şekip Tunç, Hilmi Ziya Ülken, Nurettin Topçu, Cemil Sena Ongun, Mümtaz Turhan, Muzaffer Şerif Başoğlu and Mustafa Rahmi Balaban have been founders of the scientitic psycology and has made great contribution to it Istanbul Universty psycology laboratory. But in our country psycology has begun with the lessons of Aziz Efendi?s Emcâzi Ekâlim (temperaments and climate) in İstanbul Darulfunun. The first psycological work in western style has been written by Hodja Tahsin Efendi with the name of ?Psycology or İlm-i Ruh? Religion psycology that is the sub-branch of psycology also has came out in the late of 19th century. While D. Starbuckhas publishes a book that has been named Religion psycology for the first time W. James has became the founder of Religion psycology. Religion psycology in terms of Turkey has had great potential by the contribution of Sufis like Haris el-Muhâsibî, Kindî, Farabi, İbn Sina and Gazzâli because of islamic traditions. in fact there Has been some works under the name of İlmu?n-Nefs ve İlm-ü Ahvali?r-Ruh. In Turkey formerly while Religion psycology has had great place in America and Europe between the years of 1900?1950, it has been seen clearly that turkey has been stayed behind in this field. During this time When we have looked at Turkey in terms of Religion psycology the works that have determined the contents and direction of Religion psycology has nearly been none.
The roots of psychology that has begun to develop in modern era date back to the developings in janissary. The discovers of the scientists like Kopernik, Galileo and Newton have formed the ide of science in janissary. So positive science has grown up. W. Wundt has established the first psycology laboratory in Leibzig in 1879 with the adaptation of the methods of positive science. This date has been known as the establishment of modern psycology. But psycology has been one of the oldest dicipline with the regards of the roots of psycology. Its roots on lied to antiquily Greek philoosophes. Psycology that has been named as soul science has accepted the method of speculation . At that time in psycology the idea of introspection has been dominated. The development of psycology after Wundt has continued by the help of schools. These schools have been Strukturalism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Psychoanalism, Gestalt Psychology, Humanistic Psychology and Cognitive Psychology. İn term of turkey psycology hasn?t developed like psycology in europe and America. Psycology in Turkey has begun to develop 1900s as a science Mustafa Şekip Tunç, Hilmi Ziya Ülken, Nurettin Topçu, Cemil Sena Ongun, Mümtaz Turhan, Muzaffer Şerif Başoğlu and Mustafa Rahmi Balaban have been founders of the scientitic psycology and has made great contribution to it Istanbul Universty psycology laboratory. But in our country psycology has begun with the lessons of Aziz Efendi?s Emcâzi Ekâlim (temperaments and climate) in İstanbul Darulfunun. The first psycological work in western style has been written by Hodja Tahsin Efendi with the name of ?Psycology or İlm-i Ruh? Religion psycology that is the sub-branch of psycology also has came out in the late of 19th century. While D. Starbuckhas publishes a book that has been named Religion psycology for the first time W. James has became the founder of Religion psycology. Religion psycology in terms of Turkey has had great potential by the contribution of Sufis like Haris el-Muhâsibî, Kindî, Farabi, İbn Sina and Gazzâli because of islamic traditions. in fact there Has been some works under the name of İlmu?n-Nefs ve İlm-ü Ahvali?r-Ruh. In Turkey formerly while Religion psycology has had great place in America and Europe between the years of 1900?1950, it has been seen clearly that turkey has been stayed behind in this field. During this time When we have looked at Turkey in terms of Religion psycology the works that have determined the contents and direction of Religion psycology has nearly been none.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Batı, West, Din psikolojisi, Religious psychology, Tarihsel gelişim, Historical development, Türkiye, Turkey
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Köse, A. (2008). Türkiye'de psikoloji ve din psikolojisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.