Eğirdir ekolojik şartlarında yetiştirilen bazı şeftali çeşitlerinin fenolojik ve pomolojik özelliklerinin tespiti
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Eğirdir Bahçe Kültürleri Araştırma Enstitüsü’nde 2006–2007 yıllarında yürütülen bu çalışmada, 16 şeftali çeşidine ait fenolojik ve pomolojik özellikler incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre en erken ve en geç tomurcuk kabarması sırasıyla Lovell ve Early White Giant çeşitlerinde gözlenmiştir. Morettini 5/14 ve Golden Jubilee çeşitleri en erken ve en geç tomurcuk patlaması meydana gelen çeşitlerdir. İlk çiçek açan çeşit Redhaven olurken, en geç çiçeklenen çeşitler Shasta ve Golden Jubilee’dir. Tam çiçeklenme devresine en geç gelen çeşit South Haven’dır. En erken olgunlaşan çeşidin Morettini 5/14, en geç olgunlaşan çeşidin ise Muir olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Pomolojik analiz sonuçlarına göre en iri meyveli çeşit South Haven (258.0 g), en küçük meyveli çeşit ise Morettini 5/14 (133.4 g) olarak tespit edilmiştir.Titre edilebilir asitlik değeri malik asit cinsinden en yüksek olan çeşit Fair Haven (% 0.74), en düşük çeşit ise Andross’dur (% 0.46). Early White Giant en yüksek (2.9 kg cm-2) Morettini 5/14 (0.96 kg cm-2) en düşük meyve eti sertliğine sahip çeşitlerdir. Suda çözünebilir kuru madde miktarı en yüksek çeşit Halford (% 16.6), en düşük çeşit ise Morettini 5/14’tür (% 10.7). Çalışmada yer alan çeşitlerin fenolojik gözlem tarihleri ile Eğirdir ilçesi uzun yıllar iklim ortalamaları kıyaslandığında, Eğirdir ilçesinde kış soğuklarının incelenen çeşitler için tehlike oluşturmadığı söylenebilir. Fakat bazı yıllarda meydana gelebilecek ilkbahar geç donlarının özellikle tomurcuk patlaması ve çiçeklenme başlangıcında tehlikeli olabileceği, bu nedenle don zararını en aza indirecek tedbirlerin alınması yararlı olacaktır.
In this study conducted in Eğirdir Horticultural Research Institute in 2006- 2007 years, phenological and pomological characters of 16 peach varieties were determined. According to results, the earliest and latest bud swelling was observed in Lovell and Early White Giant varieties, respectively. Morettini 5/14 and Golden Jubilee varieties had the earliest and latest bud burst dates. While Redhaven was the first blooming variety, Shasta and Golden Jubilee were the latest blooming varieties.South Haven was the latest full blooming variety. It was determined that the earliest ripening variety was Morettini 5/14, the latest one was Muir. According to pomological analysis results it was the biggest fruit was South Haven (258 g), the smallest fruit was Morettini 5/14 (133.4 g). The highest level of malic acid was obtained from Fair Haven (% 0.74) and the lowest one from Andross (% 0.46). Early White Giant (2.9 kg cm-2) variety had the highest fruit firmness. Morettini 5/14 (0.96 kg cm-2) variety had the lowest fruit firmness. The variety having the highest TSS (total soluble solids) values was Halford (% 16.6), and the lowest one was Morettini 5/14 (% 10.7). When the dates of phenologic observation of varieties in this study and climate range of Eğirdir region were compared, it could be said that winter cool in Eğirdir was not dangerous for peach. However spring late frost which may happen in some years can be dangerous, especially in the bud burst and beginning bloom.Because of this reason it will be helpfull to take cautions to diminish the frost injury.
In this study conducted in Eğirdir Horticultural Research Institute in 2006- 2007 years, phenological and pomological characters of 16 peach varieties were determined. According to results, the earliest and latest bud swelling was observed in Lovell and Early White Giant varieties, respectively. Morettini 5/14 and Golden Jubilee varieties had the earliest and latest bud burst dates. While Redhaven was the first blooming variety, Shasta and Golden Jubilee were the latest blooming varieties.South Haven was the latest full blooming variety. It was determined that the earliest ripening variety was Morettini 5/14, the latest one was Muir. According to pomological analysis results it was the biggest fruit was South Haven (258 g), the smallest fruit was Morettini 5/14 (133.4 g). The highest level of malic acid was obtained from Fair Haven (% 0.74) and the lowest one from Andross (% 0.46). Early White Giant (2.9 kg cm-2) variety had the highest fruit firmness. Morettini 5/14 (0.96 kg cm-2) variety had the lowest fruit firmness. The variety having the highest TSS (total soluble solids) values was Halford (% 16.6), and the lowest one was Morettini 5/14 (% 10.7). When the dates of phenologic observation of varieties in this study and climate range of Eğirdir region were compared, it could be said that winter cool in Eğirdir was not dangerous for peach. However spring late frost which may happen in some years can be dangerous, especially in the bud burst and beginning bloom.Because of this reason it will be helpfull to take cautions to diminish the frost injury.
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