Ümmü Süleym'in hayatı, şahsiyeti ve Hz. Peygamber Dönemindeki yeri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Medine'de Hazrec kabilesinin Neccâroğulları koluna mensup olan Ümmü Süleym Ensardan ilk Müslüman olanlardandır. Cahiliye döneminde Mâlik b. Nadr ile evli olan Ümmü Süleym bu evlilikten Enes b. Mâlik'i dünyaya getirmiştir. Mâlik b. Nadr Müslüman olmadan ölmüştür. Oğlunun eğitimi ile yakından ilgilenen, o büyüyünceye kadar yeniden evlenmeyen Ümmü Süleym Rasûlüllah'ın Medine'ye gelişi ile de Enes'i onun hizmetine vermiştir. Daha sonra Ebû Talha ile evlenmiş Ebu Umeyr ve Abdullah isminde iki evlat dünyaya getirmiştir. Medine döneminde Uhud, Hayber ve Huneyn Gazvelerine katılmıştır. Savaşta yaralıları tedavi etmiş, askere su taşımış ve bazı kritik zamanlarda bizzat savaşmıştır. İlim meclislerinde de yerini alan Ümmü Süleym her türlü soruyu Rasûlüllah' a sorarak hem dönemindeki hem de günümüzde ki kadınları aydınlatmıştır. Rasûlüllah'ın vefatından sonrada ilmi konularda kendisine danışılan bir mercii olmuştur. Rasûlüllah tarafından daha dünyadayken cennetle müjdelenen bu sahabîye Hz. Peygamber birçok duada bulunmuştur.
Umm Sulaym who is included in sons of Najjar branch in Khazraj Tribe in Madina was one of the first Muslims. Umm Sulaym was married to Maliq bin Nadr in Ignorance Period. Anas bin Malik was her common child from this marriage. Maliq bin Nadr died wihtout being muslim. Umm Sulaym concerned closely wiht her son?s education and didn?t married again up to his son grow up. When our Prophet arrived to Madina, she presedent her son, Anas to serve to our Prophet.Then she married to Abu Talha and she had two sons, in names of Abu Umeyr and Abdullah. In Madina Period she attended to Battle of Uhud, Conquer of Khayber, Huneyn Battle. She treated the injured people , provide water the soldiers and in some critical times she also fight.Umm Sulaym took her place in scientific councils. She asked every kind of guestions to the Messenger of Allah so she enlightened the women in both Madina Period and today. After death our Prophet, she became an authority who is asked on scientific matters. This women, who was herald with Paradise even in the world by Prophet, had so many prays from the Messanger of Allah
Umm Sulaym who is included in sons of Najjar branch in Khazraj Tribe in Madina was one of the first Muslims. Umm Sulaym was married to Maliq bin Nadr in Ignorance Period. Anas bin Malik was her common child from this marriage. Maliq bin Nadr died wihtout being muslim. Umm Sulaym concerned closely wiht her son?s education and didn?t married again up to his son grow up. When our Prophet arrived to Madina, she presedent her son, Anas to serve to our Prophet.Then she married to Abu Talha and she had two sons, in names of Abu Umeyr and Abdullah. In Madina Period she attended to Battle of Uhud, Conquer of Khayber, Huneyn Battle. She treated the injured people , provide water the soldiers and in some critical times she also fight.Umm Sulaym took her place in scientific councils. She asked every kind of guestions to the Messenger of Allah so she enlightened the women in both Madina Period and today. After death our Prophet, she became an authority who is asked on scientific matters. This women, who was herald with Paradise even in the world by Prophet, had so many prays from the Messanger of Allah
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ümmü Süleym, Umm Sulaym, İslam tarihi, Islamic history
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Mart, A. G. (2011). Ümmü Süleym'in hayatı, şahsiyeti ve Hz. Peygamber Dönemindeki yeri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.