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İslam Uygarlığı dönemi veteriner hekimliğinde, hastalıkların tedavisinde kan akıtma uygulamasının da yapıldığı ve kan akıtmak için genelde boyun, mahmuz, koltuk, safen damarlarının seçildiği bildirilmektedir. Hipokratik hekimliğe dayandırılan bu tedavi yönteminin İslam Uygarlığı çağındaki baytarnameler ile günümüz folklorik veteriner hekimliği uygulamaları içerisinde yer aldığı belirtilmektedir. Çalışmada, hayvanlarda kan akıtma yönteminin kullanım alanlarının retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmanın materyalini iki tez çalışması (biri el yazması bir baytarname ile diğeri Anadolu'da folklorik veteriner hekimliği üzerine yapılan bir araştırma) oluşturdu. Bu tedavi yönteminin kullanıldığı hastalık/vakalar belirlenerek geçmiş ve günümüz uygulamalarının benzer ve farklılıkları değerlendirildi. Ayrıca veteriner hekimliği alanında yapılan ve konu ile ilgili diğer çalışmaların tarih metodolojisi çerçevesinde analizi yapıldı.Veteriner hekimliği tarihi ve folklorik veteriner hekimliği alanında yapılan pek çok çalışmada kan akıtma yönteminin topallık, diş hastalıkları, arpalama, zehirlenme, gurm, sarılık, enterotoxaemia (clostridiosis), intişar, koyun ve keçi-ciğer ağrısı, delibaş vb birçok hastalıklarda tedavi yöntemi olarak uygulandığı bildirilmektedir. Çalışmada, literatür çalışmalarla benzerlikler olduğu gibi, yöntemin uygulanması ile yapılan ek uygulamaların varlığı tespit edilmiş olup, uygulamaların rasyonel tedavi yöntemlerine paralellik gösterdiği söylenebilir.Sonuç olarak, kan akıtma uygulamasının geçmişten günümüze kadar ulaşan ve pek çok hastalığın tedavisinde uygulanan bir yöntem olup, uygulandığı bazı hasalık/vakalar yönünden rasyonel kabul edilebileceği söylenebilir
It has been reported that veterinary medicine in the era of Islamic Civilization, bloodletting was a component of veterinary medicine, and neck, spur, axillary, and saphenous veins were used for drawing blood. It was stated that this treatment method, based on Hippocratic medicine, was present in the "baytarname" (veterinary chronicles), the manuscripts from Islamic Civilization Era, and today's folkloric veterinary medicine practices as well. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the areas of use of the bloodletting method. The study materials consisted of a handwritten baytarname and other materials in Anatolia on folkloric veterinary medicine. The diseases/cases in which this treatment method was used were identified and the similarities and differences of past and present practices were assessed. Furthermore, an assessment was made within the framework of other relevant studies in the area of veterinary medicine.In many studies on the history of veterinary medicine and folkloric veterinary medicine, the bloodletting method was reported to cure many conditions such as lameness, dental diseases, laminitis, poisoning, Streptococcus equi, icterus, enterotoxemia (clostridiosis), tendinitis, contagious ovine and caprine pleuropneumonia, and Coenurus. In the study, in addition to similarities with other literature studies, additional practices were discovered with the application of the method and the practices were parallel with rational treatment methods.As a result, it can be suggested that the bloodletting method has been practiced from past to present and used for the treatment of many diseases, and that it can be considered rational for some diseases/cases
It has been reported that veterinary medicine in the era of Islamic Civilization, bloodletting was a component of veterinary medicine, and neck, spur, axillary, and saphenous veins were used for drawing blood. It was stated that this treatment method, based on Hippocratic medicine, was present in the "baytarname" (veterinary chronicles), the manuscripts from Islamic Civilization Era, and today's folkloric veterinary medicine practices as well. The aim of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the areas of use of the bloodletting method. The study materials consisted of a handwritten baytarname and other materials in Anatolia on folkloric veterinary medicine. The diseases/cases in which this treatment method was used were identified and the similarities and differences of past and present practices were assessed. Furthermore, an assessment was made within the framework of other relevant studies in the area of veterinary medicine.In many studies on the history of veterinary medicine and folkloric veterinary medicine, the bloodletting method was reported to cure many conditions such as lameness, dental diseases, laminitis, poisoning, Streptococcus equi, icterus, enterotoxemia (clostridiosis), tendinitis, contagious ovine and caprine pleuropneumonia, and Coenurus. In the study, in addition to similarities with other literature studies, additional practices were discovered with the application of the method and the practices were parallel with rational treatment methods.As a result, it can be suggested that the bloodletting method has been practiced from past to present and used for the treatment of many diseases, and that it can be considered rational for some diseases/cases
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Tamamlayıcı ve Entegre Tıp
Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi
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