Hasan Eskil'in roman ve hikayeciliği
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, İş Bankasındaki görevinden emekli olduktan sonra, 2000?li yılların başından itibaren edebiyat dünyasına adım atan Hasan Eskil?in roman ve hikâyeleri, klasik metin tahlili yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Hasan Eskil kaleme aldığı romanlarda, kendi öz yaşamından veya belgelere dayalı tarih okumalarından yola çıkarak konusunu köy veya tarihten alan eserler kaleme almıştır. Olaylarını merkezî figürlerin etrafında kurgulayan Eskil?in romanları, Köy Enstitüleri bağlamında ortaya çıkan edebiyattan farklı bir yerde konumlanırken, tarihî romanın kurucusu Walter Scott ile ciddi benzerlikler göstermektedir. Heyecan unsuruna yaslanmış metinler kaleme alan yazar, zaman zaman özensiz kurgulanmış cümle yapıları ve karakterlerle karşımıza çıksa da, incelediğimiz metinlerin hepsi sinematografik etkileyicidir. Türk edebiyatına şu ana kadar yedi roman ve bir hikâye kitabı kazandıran yazar, alt metinlerde oluşturduğu sosyal arka planla da dikkat çekmektedir.
In this work, novels and stories of Hasan Eskil, who stepped into the field of literature from the beginning of the 21st. Century after his retirement from İş Bankası, are examined through the classical text-analysis method. Hasan Eskil, through his own life experiences or his readings based on the documented history, penned works that base their subjects in history or countryside. While the village novels of Eskil, who constructs incidents around the central figures, are in a different field from the literature that takes its roots from the institution authors; his historical novels have serious similarities to the founder the genre, Walter Scott. Although we sometimes witness the carelessly-constructed sentences and characters of the author that gives priority to excitement elements, all of the narrations are competent in terms of cinematography. The author, who redounded seven novels and a storybook to the Turkish Literature, stands out with the social background that he created in subtexts.
In this work, novels and stories of Hasan Eskil, who stepped into the field of literature from the beginning of the 21st. Century after his retirement from İş Bankası, are examined through the classical text-analysis method. Hasan Eskil, through his own life experiences or his readings based on the documented history, penned works that base their subjects in history or countryside. While the village novels of Eskil, who constructs incidents around the central figures, are in a different field from the literature that takes its roots from the institution authors; his historical novels have serious similarities to the founder the genre, Walter Scott. Although we sometimes witness the carelessly-constructed sentences and characters of the author that gives priority to excitement elements, all of the narrations are competent in terms of cinematography. The author, who redounded seven novels and a storybook to the Turkish Literature, stands out with the social background that he created in subtexts.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hasan Eskil, Köy romanı, Tarihi roman, New Turkish literature, Village novel, Historical novel, Yeni Türk edebiyatı
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Turan, B. A. (2013). Hasan Eskil'in roman ve hikayeciliği. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.