Yavuz Turgul sinemasının Türk modernleşmesindeki yeri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Türk modernleşmesinin çözümlenmesinde sanat daima gözardı edilmiştir. Halbuki, sanat toplumsal gelişmelerden bağımsız gelişmez. Sanat toplumsal ilişkiler içerisinde üretilir, toplumsal örüntülere dahildir. Dolayısıyla, sanat toplum analizinde biz sosyologların imkanlarını genişletecek olanaklara sahiptir. Bu çalışma, bu düşünceden hareketle, bu eksikliği gidermek amacıyla kaleme alınmıştır. Belirli bir yönetmenin, Yavuz Turgul, söylem dili incelenerek, Türk modernleşmesi ile ilişkisi irdelenecektir. Çalışmanın kapsamı gereği sosyolojik bir dil kullanılmıştır. Yavuz Turgul Türk sinema tarihine adını altın harflerle kazımış modern bir senarist/yönetmendir. Onun çalışmaları, bir çok şeyin yanısıra, Türk modernleşmesini gözlemlemek açısından da önemlidir. Bu anlamda, Türk modernleşmesine katkıları olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Yavuz Turgul'un Türk modernleşmesine olan katkılarını/eleştirilerini anlayabilmek için öncelikle modernizmin tarihine ve onun ne olduğuna dair kavramsal bir tartışma yapmak gerekmektedir. Daha sonra ise Türk modernleşmesinin genel karakteristiği inceleme konusu yapılmalıdır. Çalışmamızda, Turgul'un sinematografik dilini sosyolojik çözümlemeye tabi tutmadan önce bunları yapmaya çalıştık. Filmlerinin kısa çözümlemeleri en son bölümde ayrıca ele alındı.
The role of art in the process of Turkish modernization has always been ignored. However, art does not improve without social progress and developments. Art has flourished within the context of social relationships and has been a part of social patterns. Consequently, art is a powerful and effective tool, which offers us, as sociologists, vast opportunities for analyzing society. This assertion has provided the starting point of this study which aims to fill this gap. Within this framework, the discourse of Yavuz Tuğrul, a renowned Turkish film director, will be analyzed and its relation to Turkish modernization will be examined. Due to the content and nature of the study, sociological language has been used as a requisite. Yavuz Turgul has distinguished himself in Turkish cinema history as a modern screenwriter and director. His works, alongside many other things, are worth studying in order to understand Turkish modernization. In this sense, he has made valuable contributions to this process. To understand Yavuz Turgul's contributions as well as assessments regarding Turkish modernization, firstly what modernism is and its development in a historical context has to be conceptually discussed. After that, a study regarding the general features of Turkish modernization must be performed. Only then can Tuğrul?s cinematographical language be sociologically analyzed. A short analysis of his films has been presented in the last part of this study.
The role of art in the process of Turkish modernization has always been ignored. However, art does not improve without social progress and developments. Art has flourished within the context of social relationships and has been a part of social patterns. Consequently, art is a powerful and effective tool, which offers us, as sociologists, vast opportunities for analyzing society. This assertion has provided the starting point of this study which aims to fill this gap. Within this framework, the discourse of Yavuz Tuğrul, a renowned Turkish film director, will be analyzed and its relation to Turkish modernization will be examined. Due to the content and nature of the study, sociological language has been used as a requisite. Yavuz Turgul has distinguished himself in Turkish cinema history as a modern screenwriter and director. His works, alongside many other things, are worth studying in order to understand Turkish modernization. In this sense, he has made valuable contributions to this process. To understand Yavuz Turgul's contributions as well as assessments regarding Turkish modernization, firstly what modernism is and its development in a historical context has to be conceptually discussed. After that, a study regarding the general features of Turkish modernization must be performed. Only then can Tuğrul?s cinematographical language be sociologically analyzed. A short analysis of his films has been presented in the last part of this study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yavuz Turgul, Sinema, Türk modernleşmesi, Cinema, Turkish modernization, Türk sineması, Turkish motion pictures, Motion pictures
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Çatalbaş, A. Ü. (2012). Yavuz Turgul sinemasının Türk modernleşmesindeki yeri. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.