Knidos limanları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Antik Dönem boyunca önemli bir kültür, sanat ve ticaret merkezi durumundaki Knidos, Anadolu'nun güneybatı ucunda anakara ve hemen önündeki ada (Kap Krio) üzerinde kurulmuştur. Uygun topografik yapıdan faydalanılarak anakara ile adanın birleştirilmesi kente iki liman kazandırmıştır. Bu limanlardan doğudaki Ticaret Limanı batıdaki ise Askeri Liman olarak kullanılmıştır. Ticaret Limanı, özellikle Kap Krio kıyılarındaki yapıları ile kentin ticari faaliyetlerinin merkezi konumundaydı. Bu kıyılardaki rıhtım alanları ve Kap Krio terasları üzerindeki dükkanlar ve işlikler kentin ticari fonksiyonlarını açıkça göstermektedir. Askeri Liman, Kap Krio ve anakaradan devam eden surların liman girişine kadar devam etmesi, girişinin oldukça dar olması ve çevresinin çok sayıda kule ile desteklenmesi gibi nedenlerden dolayı yunanca ?????? ????????? ?Limen Kleistos? olarak bilinen kapalı veya kapatılabilen liman özelliğindedir. Daha çok Hellenistik Dönem'de görülen kapatılabilen limanların erken örneklerinden biri durumundadır. Kent, M.Ö. 4. yy'ın 2. yarısında Arkaik ve Klasik yerleşiminin üzerine yeni ve daha modern bir planlama ?ızgara planına? (Hippodamik) uygun bir sistem ile yeniden düzenlenmiştir. Belli kurallar ve sistemler dahilinde uygulanan bu planlama ile Knidos'ta sıra dışı bir uygulama gerçekleştirilerek Liman merkezli bir yerleşim düzeni uygulanmıştır. Knidos, Anadolu'nun güneybatısındaki konumuyla içinde bulunduğu Karia Bölgesi kentlerinden ziyade çevresini saran adalar grubunun bir üyesi gibi tamamen denize bağımlı bir kent yapısına sahiptir. Bu durum kenti limanlara bağımlı hale getirmiştir. Knidos Limanları en azından M.Ö. 4. yy'ın 2. yarısından M.S. 6.-7. yüzyıllara kadar önemini yitirmeksizin kullanılmışlardır. Bu dönemden sonra eski önemini kaybeden kent, piskoposluk listelerine göre M.S. 12. yy'a kadar varlığını sürdürmüş olsa da limanların önemini yitirmesine de bağlı olarak eski önemini kaybetmiştir.
A significant centre of culture, arts and commerce through the Ancient Period, Knidos was located on the mainland at the southwest end of Anatolia and on the island facing the land (Cape Krio). Linking of the island to the mainland thanks to the suitable topography created two ports for the city. Eastern port was used as a Commercial Port while the one in the east was a Military Port. Especially through the structures on the Cape Krio coast, the Commercial Port was the centre of the commercial activities in the city. The piers and the shops and workshops over the Cape Krio terraces on these coasts clearly indicate the commercial functions of the city. As the city walls from Cape Krio and the mainland continue towards the entrance of the port, the entrance is quite narrow and it is surrounded by towers, the Military Port is defined as a walled harbour, known as ?????? ????????? ?Limen Kleistos? in Greek. It is one of the earliest examples of the walled harbours common in Hellenistic Period.The city was re-planned over the Archaic and the Classical settlement in the second half of the 4th century B.C. according to a more modern planning system, namely ?the grid (Hippodamian) plan?. Applied through certain rules and systems, this plan was unusually carried out at a port-centred structure in Knidos. Due to its location on the southwest of Anatolia, Knidos was a city wholly dependent on the sea like the islands surrounding it rather than the cities of Karia Region which it was a part of. This made the city dependent on the ports. Ports of Knidos had been used and not lost their significance at least from the second half of the 4th century B.C. to the 6th-7th centuries A.D. Even though it existed until the 12th century A.D. according to the bishop lists, the city lost the significance it previously had in parallel with its ports? losing their significance.
A significant centre of culture, arts and commerce through the Ancient Period, Knidos was located on the mainland at the southwest end of Anatolia and on the island facing the land (Cape Krio). Linking of the island to the mainland thanks to the suitable topography created two ports for the city. Eastern port was used as a Commercial Port while the one in the east was a Military Port. Especially through the structures on the Cape Krio coast, the Commercial Port was the centre of the commercial activities in the city. The piers and the shops and workshops over the Cape Krio terraces on these coasts clearly indicate the commercial functions of the city. As the city walls from Cape Krio and the mainland continue towards the entrance of the port, the entrance is quite narrow and it is surrounded by towers, the Military Port is defined as a walled harbour, known as ?????? ????????? ?Limen Kleistos? in Greek. It is one of the earliest examples of the walled harbours common in Hellenistic Period.The city was re-planned over the Archaic and the Classical settlement in the second half of the 4th century B.C. according to a more modern planning system, namely ?the grid (Hippodamian) plan?. Applied through certain rules and systems, this plan was unusually carried out at a port-centred structure in Knidos. Due to its location on the southwest of Anatolia, Knidos was a city wholly dependent on the sea like the islands surrounding it rather than the cities of Karia Region which it was a part of. This made the city dependent on the ports. Ports of Knidos had been used and not lost their significance at least from the second half of the 4th century B.C. to the 6th-7th centuries A.D. Even though it existed until the 12th century A.D. according to the bishop lists, the city lost the significance it previously had in parallel with its ports? losing their significance.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Antik limanlar, Ancient harbours, Kent planlama, Urban planning, Knidos, Limanlar, Ports
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Büyüközer, A. (2012). Knidos limanları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.