Türk ve Irak hukukunda genel sebeplere dayanarak boşanma ve sonuçları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Türkiye ve Irak Hukuklarında boşanma kurumunu incelerken bu kurumun düzenlenmesinde önemli farklılıklar önümüze çıkmıştır. Halbuki iki ülkenin yaklaşık dört asır müşterek tarihleri bulunmaktadır. Bunun nedeni Türkiye?nin hukuk sisteminin batının benimsediği hükümleri içermesidir. Türk Hukukunun batıdan alınması, onun aile hükümlerinin medeni kanun içinde olmasına sebep olmuştur. Halbuki Irak ve diğer Arap ülkelerinde ise, aile hükümleri özel bir kanunda düzenlenmektedir. Türk Medeni Kanunu boşanma sebeplerini özel ve genel olarak ikiye ayırarak ele almıştır. Özel boşanma sebeplerini 161. ile 165. maddeler arasında düzenlemiştir. Genel boşanma sebeplerini ise, 166.maddede kaleme almıştır. Irak Aile Kanunu boşanma sebeplerini özel ve genel sebep ayrımı yapmadan 40,41,43 ve 46. maddelerde düzenlemiştir. Türk hukukunda üç genel boşanma sebebi bulunmaktadır. Bunlar, evlilik birliğinin temelinden sarsılması (TMK m. 166 f. I), eşlerin anlaşması (TMK m. 166 f. III) ve ortak hayatın yeniden kurulamamasıdır(TMK m. 166 f. IV). Irak Hukukunda da üç genel boşanma sebebi vardır. Bunlar, ortak hayatın devam edememesi (IAK m. 40 b. 1), evlilik birliğinin temelinden sarsılması (IAK m. 41 b. 1) ve anlaşmalı boşanmadır (IAK m. 46).Boşanmanın hukuki sonuçları Türk ve Irak Hukukunda da düzenlenmiştir. Bu sonuçlar eşlere ilgili ve çocuklarla ilgili olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Eşlerle ilgili sonuçlar kişisel sonuçlar ve mali sonuçlar olmak üzere ikiye ayrılır.
When examining divorce institution in the Laws of Turkey and Iraq, we have encountered with significant differences in that institution. However, two countries have four centuries of common history. Its reason is that Turkey involves provisions adopted by the West. Reception of Turkish Law from West caused its family provisions to be included in the Civil Law. However, in Iraq and in other Arab countries, family provisions have been enacted in a special law. Turkish Civil Law approaches to the grounds for divorce by dividing it into two; specific grounds and general grounds. It set out some grounds for divorce in the 161st and 165th articles. It wrote out general grounds for divorce in the 161st article. Iraqi Family Law set out grounds for divorce into 40, 41, 43 and 46 articles without discriminating between specific and general grounds.There are three general grounds for divorce in the Turkish Law. They are matrimonial breakdown (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. I), agreement of spouses (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. III) and inability to reestablish a joint life (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. IV). There are three general grounds for divorce in the Iraqi Law. They are discontinuance of joint life (Iraqi Civil Code, Article 40, parag. 1), matrimonial breakdown (Iraqi Civil Code, article 41, parag. 1) and Consensual Divorce (Iraqi Civil Code, article 46). Legal consequences of divorce have been set out in the Turkish and Iraqi Laws. These consequences are divided into two; related to the spouses and related to the children. Consequences related to the spouses are divided into two; personal consequences and financial consequences.
When examining divorce institution in the Laws of Turkey and Iraq, we have encountered with significant differences in that institution. However, two countries have four centuries of common history. Its reason is that Turkey involves provisions adopted by the West. Reception of Turkish Law from West caused its family provisions to be included in the Civil Law. However, in Iraq and in other Arab countries, family provisions have been enacted in a special law. Turkish Civil Law approaches to the grounds for divorce by dividing it into two; specific grounds and general grounds. It set out some grounds for divorce in the 161st and 165th articles. It wrote out general grounds for divorce in the 161st article. Iraqi Family Law set out grounds for divorce into 40, 41, 43 and 46 articles without discriminating between specific and general grounds.There are three general grounds for divorce in the Turkish Law. They are matrimonial breakdown (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. I), agreement of spouses (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. III) and inability to reestablish a joint life (Turkish Civil Code, article 166, parag. IV). There are three general grounds for divorce in the Iraqi Law. They are discontinuance of joint life (Iraqi Civil Code, Article 40, parag. 1), matrimonial breakdown (Iraqi Civil Code, article 41, parag. 1) and Consensual Divorce (Iraqi Civil Code, article 46). Legal consequences of divorce have been set out in the Turkish and Iraqi Laws. These consequences are divided into two; related to the spouses and related to the children. Consequences related to the spouses are divided into two; personal consequences and financial consequences.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Divorce, Irak hukuku, Iraq law, Boşanma, Türk hukuku, Turkish law
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ayan, M. (2013). Türk ve Irak hukukunda genel sebeplere dayanarak boşanma ve sonuçları. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.