Cezanın belirlenmesi ve bireyselleştirilmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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Ceza ve cezalandırmanın amacı sıklıkla bilimsel eserlere konu olmuştur. Türk hukukunda cezanın belirlenmesi konusu, genellikle hukuk normları, somut veriler, içtihatlar çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. Batı Avrupa ve ABD'de ise, hukukçuların yanında, sosyologlar, felsefeciler, kriminologlar bu konuya ilgi göstermişlerdir. Cezanın belirlenmesi disiplinler arası bir konu olarak görülmelidir. Cezanın belirlenmesi sadece somut fiil ve faili ilgilendirmemektedir. Fiilin öncesi ve sonrasındaki fail davranışları çok önemlidir. Belirlenen cezadan, failin yakın ve uzak çevresi de etkilenmektedir. Bu nedenlerle, cezanın belirlenmesi sadece hukuku değil, sosyoloji, felsefe, kriminoloji hatta psikolojiyi de ilgilendirmektedir. ?Cezanın Belirlenmesi? isimli bu çalışmanın amacı, hâkimin cezayı belirlemesi sorununun, pratik ve dogmatik (teorik ve felsefik) olarak izahıdır. Bu çalışmada, cezanın belirlenmesi, sadece hâkimin, suçu sabit olan sanığa ceza tayini olarak görülmemiştir. Aksine cezanın amacı, cezalandırmada ilkeler ve cezanın belirlenmesi kriterleri geniş bir bakış açısıyla verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma boyunca, cezanın belirlenmesinin sağlam bir temele oturtulması amacıyla hareket edilmiştir. Bu nedenle; cezanın amacı, cezalandırmada ilkeler ve cezanın belirlenmesinde gerekli kriterler bu çalışmanın ana iskeletini oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada 765 ve 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunları karşılaştırmalı olarak irdelenmiştir. Alman Ceza Kanunu Türk ceza sistemine benzerliği, ABD Federal Cezalandırma Talimatı da tamamen farklı bir bakış açısı sunduğu için konuya dâhil edilmiştir. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde kavramsal çerçeve ve genel bilgiler, ikinci bölümde cezanın belirlenmesi, üçüncü bölümde cezanın hesaplanması incelenmiştir.
Punishment and the aim of punishment have often been the subject of scientific Works. In Turkish law, the subject of determination of punishment is usually evaluated in the framework of law rules, specific data, case law. But in Western Europe and the USA besides lawyers, sociologists, philosophers, criminoılogists have shown interest to this subject. Determination of punishment should be seen as an interdisciplinary matter. Determination of punishment does not only related with specific act and criminal. Before and after the act, the behaivor of the criminal is very important. From the determined sentence, the close and distant surroundings of the criminal are also affected. For these reasons, determination of punishment not only interests law but also interests sociology, philosophy, criminology and even psychology. The aim of this study which is named ?Determination of Punishment? is to explain practically and dogmatically (theoric and philosophic) the problem of determination of punishment of the judge. The determination of punishment is not considered only as determinaiton of the punishment of the accused by judge. On the contrary, the aim of punishment, the principles of punishment and the criteria for determination of punishment is is tried to be given from a broad perspective in this study. During the preparation of this study, it has been aimed to put the determination of punishment on the safe ground. Fort his reason, the purpose of the punishment, the principles of punishment and the criteria which are necessary to determine the punishment forms the main skeleton of this study. The Turkish Criminal Code of 765 and the Turkish Criminal Code of 5237 are scrutinized comperatively. The German Criminal Code (StGB); because of its similarity with the Turkish Criminal Code; and the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines; becaude it has wholly different perspective; have been involved in this study. The study consists of four parts. In teh first part penalties and fines, in the second part the abstract determinaiton of the penalty, in the third part the determination of the concrete penalty and in the last part the calculation of the penalty are examined.
Punishment and the aim of punishment have often been the subject of scientific Works. In Turkish law, the subject of determination of punishment is usually evaluated in the framework of law rules, specific data, case law. But in Western Europe and the USA besides lawyers, sociologists, philosophers, criminoılogists have shown interest to this subject. Determination of punishment should be seen as an interdisciplinary matter. Determination of punishment does not only related with specific act and criminal. Before and after the act, the behaivor of the criminal is very important. From the determined sentence, the close and distant surroundings of the criminal are also affected. For these reasons, determination of punishment not only interests law but also interests sociology, philosophy, criminology and even psychology. The aim of this study which is named ?Determination of Punishment? is to explain practically and dogmatically (theoric and philosophic) the problem of determination of punishment of the judge. The determination of punishment is not considered only as determinaiton of the punishment of the accused by judge. On the contrary, the aim of punishment, the principles of punishment and the criteria for determination of punishment is is tried to be given from a broad perspective in this study. During the preparation of this study, it has been aimed to put the determination of punishment on the safe ground. Fort his reason, the purpose of the punishment, the principles of punishment and the criteria which are necessary to determine the punishment forms the main skeleton of this study. The Turkish Criminal Code of 765 and the Turkish Criminal Code of 5237 are scrutinized comperatively. The German Criminal Code (StGB); because of its similarity with the Turkish Criminal Code; and the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines; becaude it has wholly different perspective; have been involved in this study. The study consists of four parts. In teh first part penalties and fines, in the second part the abstract determinaiton of the penalty, in the third part the determination of the concrete penalty and in the last part the calculation of the penalty are examined.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bireyselleştirme, Ceza, Ceza hukuku, Türk ceza hukuku, Türk ceza kanunu, Individualization, Punishment, Criminal law, Turkish criminal law, Turkish penal code
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yerdelen, E. (2012). Cezanın belirlenmesi ve bireyselleştirilmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış doktora tezi, Konya.