Karaman ve çevresindeki dokumalar
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
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İnsanlar ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için tabiatta bulunan malzemeleri kullanarak çok değişik ürünler ortaya çıkarmışlardır. İhtiyacını karşıladığı farklı fonksiyonları olan ürünleri çok farklı işlemlerle estetik ve göze hoş gelecek şekilde bezemiştir. Bunların en önemlileri de dokumalardır. Dokumalar yüzyıllardan beri çok kapsamlı bir kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Malzeme alarak yün dokumalarda oldukça fazla kullanılmıştır. Çözgü ipi olarak yünün yanında kıl ve pamuk da kullanılmıştır. Farklı yerlerde kullanılan dokumalar farklı teknikler kullanılarak dokunmuştur. Oldukça estetik bir şekilde hazırlanan bu dokumalar; Yörüklerin göçlerini taşımasında, eşya olarak evlerinde, genç kızların çeyizlerinde yıllarca kullanım alanı bulmuştur. Yörede yaşayan insanlar tarafından oldukça geniş bir kullanım alanı bulan dokumalar günümüze kadar, evlerde katlanmış bir şekilde dolaplarda, sandıklarda, vakıflarda veya müzelerde muhafaza edilerek ulaşmıştır. Karaman ve çevresinde yaşam kültürünün etkisi ile hayvancılıkla uğraşım sonucu yün ve kıl kolay temin edilmiştir. Havlı dokumalar ve düz dokumaların oldukça geniş bir kullanım alanı bulduğu bu bölgede, alan çalışmasında karşılaşılan dokumalar belgelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu dokumaların yapım teknikleri ve kompozisyon özellikleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Dokumalardaki kompozisyonlar Karaman merkez ve çevresinde benzerlik ve farklılıklar göstermektedir. Fakat kullanım alanlarının benzerlik gösterdiği belirlenmiştir. Dokumaların evlerde hammaddeden taranan, eğirilen ve boyanan iplerle yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Dokumaların yapıldığı tezgâhlar yörede iki farklı şekildedir. Bu tezgâhlar evlerin bir odasında kurularak dokuma yapıldığı gibi atölyelerde de dokumaların toplu bir halde yapıldığı bilinmektedir. Çalışma hazırlanırken Karaman ve çevresindeki yerleşim yerlerinden örneklere ulaşıp fotoğraflanarak, konu ile ilgili kaynaklar taranmıştır. Kullanılan malzemeler, form, renk, kompozisyon konuları ve yöresel ürünleri kaynak kişilerden alınan bilgilerle literatüre eklenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Dokumaların; iplik hazırlama, dokumanın yapılması, kullanıldığı alanlar, bezeme konuları, yöresel isimleri ve farklılıkları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Geçmişte dokumalar oldukça fazla yapılarak satılıp ve kullanılmıştır. Yöre insanı tarafından küçük yaşta malzeme hazırlamak ve dokuma işlemlerinin yapılması sağlanmıştır. Günümüzde bölgede yaşayan insanların çoğunluğu dokumaların yapımını, kullanım alanını ve konularını bilmemektedir. Yörede geniş kullanım alanı bulan dokumaların genç kuşağa aktarılması açısından önemli bir çalışma olacağına inanmaktayız.
İn order to meet their needs via using materials in the nature, humans have produced many different products. The products that meet the needs of humans with different functions were also decoradet altered by humans as aesthetic and sightly shapes. The most important of them are the fabrics. For many centuries, fabrics has found area for extensive use. As a material wool, has been used abundantly in weaving. In addition to wool thin wool and cotton is used for warp rope. Fabrics,tuheh have been used in different locations, using different was touching. There fabrics that were prepared in by using different techn gues a guite aesthetic way have found area enviroment as goods in their nomads houses, to carry their belongings migration ofand in the dowry of young girls for many years. Until today fabrics had found very wide, usage field by the people living in the territury and these have reached to us via folded in the home closets chests, foundations or museums. And environmental impact on the living cultere of Karaman and its region animals wool and hair have been easily obtained. Flocculent and plain woven fabrics had found very large area of use in this region In the field studies the fabrics which have been came across, have been tried to be certifed, construction technigues and composition features of these fabrics were identified. Weavings in and around the center of Karaman compositions show similarities and differences. However, areas of use were determined to show similarities. Woven were determined to be made from raw materials that were carded, spinning and dyeing in the homes of the area. Weaving is done in two diferent benches in the region. These machines are bıilt in a room of homes as well as workshops as a batch of cases. During the preparation of the work sample were reached in the settlements in Karaman and these were documented by the photo, references regarding the subjest has been scanned. Our objective was to add the used materials to the literature according to form, color, composition and information regarding local products was obtained from people. Yarn preparation, weawing, greas of use, decoration isseus, local names and differences of these fabrics were studied to determine differences. In the past, woven were made abundantly and sold. Preparation of the materials and process of weaving was learnt at an early age by local people. Today, the majority of the people who live in the field do not know the fabric production, areas of use and subjects. We believe that this will be an important work in terms of the transfer of fabrics which had found large of use in the field to the young generation.
İn order to meet their needs via using materials in the nature, humans have produced many different products. The products that meet the needs of humans with different functions were also decoradet altered by humans as aesthetic and sightly shapes. The most important of them are the fabrics. For many centuries, fabrics has found area for extensive use. As a material wool, has been used abundantly in weaving. In addition to wool thin wool and cotton is used for warp rope. Fabrics,tuheh have been used in different locations, using different was touching. There fabrics that were prepared in by using different techn gues a guite aesthetic way have found area enviroment as goods in their nomads houses, to carry their belongings migration ofand in the dowry of young girls for many years. Until today fabrics had found very wide, usage field by the people living in the territury and these have reached to us via folded in the home closets chests, foundations or museums. And environmental impact on the living cultere of Karaman and its region animals wool and hair have been easily obtained. Flocculent and plain woven fabrics had found very large area of use in this region In the field studies the fabrics which have been came across, have been tried to be certifed, construction technigues and composition features of these fabrics were identified. Weavings in and around the center of Karaman compositions show similarities and differences. However, areas of use were determined to show similarities. Woven were determined to be made from raw materials that were carded, spinning and dyeing in the homes of the area. Weaving is done in two diferent benches in the region. These machines are bıilt in a room of homes as well as workshops as a batch of cases. During the preparation of the work sample were reached in the settlements in Karaman and these were documented by the photo, references regarding the subjest has been scanned. Our objective was to add the used materials to the literature according to form, color, composition and information regarding local products was obtained from people. Yarn preparation, weawing, greas of use, decoration isseus, local names and differences of these fabrics were studied to determine differences. In the past, woven were made abundantly and sold. Preparation of the materials and process of weaving was learnt at an early age by local people. Today, the majority of the people who live in the field do not know the fabric production, areas of use and subjects. We believe that this will be an important work in terms of the transfer of fabrics which had found large of use in the field to the young generation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Dokuma teknikleri, Weaving techniques, Dokumacılık, Weaving
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Konuk, M. (2009). Karaman ve çevresindeki dokumalar. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.