Tezkire yazarı Rıza ve nazmen verilmiş fetvâları
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
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Osmanlı’da beş asırlık bir sürede 129 şeyhülislâm görev yapmış ve verdikleri fetvâlar birçok meselenin çözümünde önemli rol oynamıştır. Fetvâ, bir meselenin hükmünün şeyhülislâm veya müftü tarafından araştırılarak ortaya konulması işlemidir. Osmanlı’da fetvâ verme yetkisi şeyhülislâmlığa ait olmuş ve taşralarda da müftüler bu makama bağlı olarak bu işi yürütmüşlerdir. Şeyhülislâm veya müftülerin verdikleri fetvâlar genellikle mensur olmuş, ama az da olsa nazmen verilenlerine rastlanmıştır. Çoğu, aynı zamanda divan şairi olan şeyhülislâmlarca verilen bu fetvâlarda sanat gayesi pek güdülmemiş ve sorulan meseleye kısaca cevap verilmiştir. Elimizdeki manzum fetvâların büyük bir kısmı şeyhülislâmlara ait olup sadece üç tanesi taşrada görev yapmış bir müftü tarafından yazılmıştır. Bu müftü, 17.yüzyılda çeşitli yerlerde kadılıklar yapmış ve Rıza Tezkiresi adlı biyografik eseriyle tanınmış olan Seyyid Mehmed Rıza’dır. Bu makalede, bugüne kadar daha çok tezkiresiyle tanınmış olan Seyyid Mehmed Rıza’nın manzum fetvâları incelenip tanıtılmaktadır.
There have been 120 Sheikhulislam to serve in a period of five centuries in Ottoman Empire and their fatwas played an important role in solving many of the matter. Fatwa is a process of putting forth an issue’s provision through exploring by a Mufti or Sheikhulislam. The right to give fatwas in Ottoman Empire appertained to Sheikhulislam and the Muftis maintained this duty in provincials abiding by the authority. The fatwas the Sheikhulislam and Muftis gave were typically prose, but, although less, it has been encountered with data relating with verses. In these fatwas, given by the Sheikhulislams who are at the same time a classical Ottoman poet, most of them weren’t artistic ant the questions to the issues were answered briefly. Belonging a large part of our verse of fatwas to the Sheikhulislams, only three of them were written by a Mufti who served in a province. This Mufti is Seyyid Mehmed Rıza, who has been cadi in various places in the 17th century and known for his biographical work Rıza’s missive. In this article, Seyyid Mehmed Rıza’s verses of fatwas were analyzed and introduced who was so far recognized with his missives.
There have been 120 Sheikhulislam to serve in a period of five centuries in Ottoman Empire and their fatwas played an important role in solving many of the matter. Fatwa is a process of putting forth an issue’s provision through exploring by a Mufti or Sheikhulislam. The right to give fatwas in Ottoman Empire appertained to Sheikhulislam and the Muftis maintained this duty in provincials abiding by the authority. The fatwas the Sheikhulislam and Muftis gave were typically prose, but, although less, it has been encountered with data relating with verses. In these fatwas, given by the Sheikhulislams who are at the same time a classical Ottoman poet, most of them weren’t artistic ant the questions to the issues were answered briefly. Belonging a large part of our verse of fatwas to the Sheikhulislams, only three of them were written by a Mufti who served in a province. This Mufti is Seyyid Mehmed Rıza, who has been cadi in various places in the 17th century and known for his biographical work Rıza’s missive. In this article, Seyyid Mehmed Rıza’s verses of fatwas were analyzed and introduced who was so far recognized with his missives.
Url: http://sutad.selcuk.edu.tr/sutad/article/view/555
Anahtar Kelimeler
Manzum fetvâ, Şeyhülislâm, Müftü, Tezkire, Fatwa poems, Mufti
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Eliaçık, M. (2012). Tezkire yazarı Rıza ve nazmen verilmiş fetvâları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (32), 1-13.