İsveç İdare Hukuku
2008 Aralık
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Çağdaş İsveç idare hukuku Kıta Avrupası (Fransız ve Alman) hukuk
sistemlerinin temelleri üzerine yapılanmıştır. Kamu hukukunun kökenleri 17.
yy. başlarına kadar uzanır. İsveç anayasal monarşili üniter bir siyasal siteme
sahiptir. Yasama organı tek meclisli olup, parlamenter bir yönetim modeli
Düşünce ve ifade özgürlüğü demokratik yaşamın temelini
oluşturmaktadır. Bütün yurttaşların siyasal, dinsel, kültürel veya öteki
ilişkilerinde kimliklerini açığa vurmaya zorlanmaya karşı koruma
sağlanmaktadır. Kamu hizmeti hem merkez, hem de yerel yönetimler tarafından
sağlanır. Yerel yönetimler, kamu idaresinin %70‘ine karşılık gelir. Merkez
yönetimi dış politika, savunma, adalet ve sosyal güvenlik hizmetlerini sunarken;
yerel yönetimler sosyal yardım, eğitim, sağlık hizmeti ve kamu sağlığı gibi yerel
ve genel ihtiyaçların karşılanmasına çalışır. İdari otoritelerin ve kamu
görevlilerinin konumu öteki ülkelere oranla daha bağımsızdır. Kamu
görevlilerinin ücret ve çalışma koşulları büyük ölçüde iş hukuku hükümlerine
göre yürütülür.. İsveç sosyal refah ve sosyal hakların hukuksal düzenlemesi
konusunda önde gelen ülkelerin arasında yer alır. İdari yargı, idarenin
işlemlerine karşı yapılan başvuruları ele alır. Üç katmanlı idari yargı, idari
işlemlerin ―hukuka‖ ve akla uygunluğunu denetler. Son yıllarda İsveç hukuk
düzeni Avrupa ile uyum sürecinde yapısal önemli değişiklikler geçirmiştir.
Modern Swedish administrative law has been constructed on the basis of dominating continental (French and German) legal system. The origins of (modern) public law go back to early years of the 17th century. Sweden is a unitary state with a constitutional monarchy. It has a unicameral legislature and the system of government is parliamentary. All citizens are protected in their relations with the public administration against all coercion to divulge an opinion in any political, religious, cultural or other similar connection. Public administration is carried out not only by the State but also by municipal authorities. Municipal selfgovernment embraces over 70% of public administration. The state administers mainly foreign policy, defence, the judicial system and the social security system. The local governments are responsible for not only their own economy and utilities but also, social assistance, the entire school system, the medical care and public health. Public authorities and civil servants in Sweden have a more independent position than in other countries. Salaries and conditions of employment for public servants have been largely governed by labor law. Sweden is regarded as a leading country in the field of social welfare policy and social legislature. The task of the administrative courts is to hear appeals against the decision of the administrative authorities. Three levels of administrative court are entitled to judicial review of the ―legality‖ and ―reasonableness‖ of administrative acts. Today the Swedish legal system is going through a number of major changes as a direct consequence of the establishment of closer links with Europe.
Modern Swedish administrative law has been constructed on the basis of dominating continental (French and German) legal system. The origins of (modern) public law go back to early years of the 17th century. Sweden is a unitary state with a constitutional monarchy. It has a unicameral legislature and the system of government is parliamentary. All citizens are protected in their relations with the public administration against all coercion to divulge an opinion in any political, religious, cultural or other similar connection. Public administration is carried out not only by the State but also by municipal authorities. Municipal selfgovernment embraces over 70% of public administration. The state administers mainly foreign policy, defence, the judicial system and the social security system. The local governments are responsible for not only their own economy and utilities but also, social assistance, the entire school system, the medical care and public health. Public authorities and civil servants in Sweden have a more independent position than in other countries. Salaries and conditions of employment for public servants have been largely governed by labor law. Sweden is regarded as a leading country in the field of social welfare policy and social legislature. The task of the administrative courts is to hear appeals against the decision of the administrative authorities. Three levels of administrative court are entitled to judicial review of the ―legality‖ and ―reasonableness‖ of administrative acts. Today the Swedish legal system is going through a number of major changes as a direct consequence of the establishment of closer links with Europe.
Anahtar Kelimeler
anayasal monarşi, Şeffaflık, sosyal refah devleti, kamu denetçisi, kamu görevlisi, ayrımcılık yasağı, constitutional monarchy, transparency, social welfare state, ombudsman, public servants, non-discrimination
Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akıncı, M., (2008). İsveç İdare Hukuku. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(2), 167-221.