Konya Vilayet gazetesi'ne göre II. Meşrutiyet başlarında Konya Sancağı
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Konya'da ilk matbaa, 1864 Vilâyet Nizâmnâmesi'ne uygun olarak vali Ahmet Tevfik Paşa döneminde 1869 yılında kurulmuştur. 1908 yılına kadar Konya'nın tek gazetesi olan vilâyet gazetesi, Konya halkını siyasal, sosyal, toplumsal ve ekonomik konularda bilgilendirmiştir. Bu çalışmada, II. Meşrutiyet başlarında Konya sancağının mülkî, adlî, sosyo-kültürel, ekonomik, sağlık, eğitim, iletişim, yerleşim, cemiyet yapısı ve yanısıra Osmânlı Devleti'nin genel durumu, mahallî bir gazetenin bakış açısından incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, Konya Vilâyet Gazetesi'nin 1907 ? 1910 yılları arasında yayınlanmış 72 sayısı incelenerek, konu ile ilgili bölümlerin Latin harflerine transkripsiyonları yapılmış, günümüz Türkçesi'ne çevrilmiştir. Ayrıca, bu konu hakkında yazılmış güvenilir kaynaklardan da yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmanın önemli bir bölümü, Osmânlı tarihinin önemli dönüm noktalarından birisi olan II. Meşrutiyet'in ilânının, Konya halkı üzerindeki etkilerini kapsamaktadır. Osmânlı idârî mekanizmasında meydana gelen bu değişim, sancaktaki toplumsal yapının da değişmesine zemin hazırlamıştır. Ahâli, hürriyet geldi düşüncesiyle devlete vergi vermek istememiş, memurlara sözlü ve fiili saldırıda bulunmuştur. Bununla beraber, II. Meşrutiyet'in özgürlük ortamında, Konya'da sosyal hayat canlanmış, hareketli bir basın hayatı başlamış, 1908 mebûs seçimleri olaysız şekilde tamamlanmış, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti sancakta örgütlenmeye başlamıştır. Ne var ki Osmânlı Devleti'nin yeni bir idâre rejimine geçtiği bu tarihte, merkezî otoritenin zayıf düşmesini fırsat bilen Avusturya-Macaristan Bosna-Hersek'i ilhâk ederken, Bulgaristan bağımsızlığını kazanmış, Girit, Yunanistan'a bağlanma kararını açıklamıştır. Ülkenin dış politikasında meydana gelen bu üzücü gelişmeler üzerine Konya halkı, bu ülkelerin mallarını boykot ederek ve mitingler düzenleyerek tepkisini göstermiştir. Bu olaylar neticesinde Konya'da millî uyanış başlamıştır
The first printing house in Konya was founded in 1869 during the period of the governor Ahmet Tevfik Pasha in accordance with Province Regulations. Having been the unigue newspaper in Konya until 1908, province newspaper informed the people of Konya about political, social, communal and economic issues. In this labour, not only civil, legal, socio-cultural, economic, health, education, communication, residential and community structure of Konya Province but also the general situation of Ottoman State was investigated from the viewpoint of a local paper. To this end, by analysing 72 editions of Konya Provincial Newspaper published between the years 1907 ? 1910, the transcriptions of the related sections were made into latin letters and they were also translated into current Turkish. Besides, it was also benefited from the other credible sources written about this subject. The Major part of the labour compromises the effects of the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy. On Konya people, which is one of the most important critical point of Ottoman history. This resultant change in Ottoman administrative set up also laid the groundwork for the change of the social structure in Konya sanjak. Refusing to pay taxes to the government in contemplation of independence had come true, the public assaulted the officers both verbally and actually. Nevertheless, in that freedom atmosphere of II. Constitutional Monarchy, the social life in Konya brightened up, a moving media life started, 1908 elections of deputy ended up without any problems, Committee of Union and Progress started to be organized in sanjak. However, in that date when Ottoman State got through a new government polity, while the Austro-Hungarian Empire was annexing Bosnia ? Herzegovina, taking the advantage of the languishing central authority, Bulgaria secured its independence and Crete declared its decision to adhere to Greece. Upon these bitter instances occured in the foreign policy of the country, the inhabitants of Konya made a response both boycotting these countries? goods and staging a demonstratim. As a result of these cases, national renaissance started in Konya.
The first printing house in Konya was founded in 1869 during the period of the governor Ahmet Tevfik Pasha in accordance with Province Regulations. Having been the unigue newspaper in Konya until 1908, province newspaper informed the people of Konya about political, social, communal and economic issues. In this labour, not only civil, legal, socio-cultural, economic, health, education, communication, residential and community structure of Konya Province but also the general situation of Ottoman State was investigated from the viewpoint of a local paper. To this end, by analysing 72 editions of Konya Provincial Newspaper published between the years 1907 ? 1910, the transcriptions of the related sections were made into latin letters and they were also translated into current Turkish. Besides, it was also benefited from the other credible sources written about this subject. The Major part of the labour compromises the effects of the announcement of II. Constitutional Monarchy. On Konya people, which is one of the most important critical point of Ottoman history. This resultant change in Ottoman administrative set up also laid the groundwork for the change of the social structure in Konya sanjak. Refusing to pay taxes to the government in contemplation of independence had come true, the public assaulted the officers both verbally and actually. Nevertheless, in that freedom atmosphere of II. Constitutional Monarchy, the social life in Konya brightened up, a moving media life started, 1908 elections of deputy ended up without any problems, Committee of Union and Progress started to be organized in sanjak. However, in that date when Ottoman State got through a new government polity, while the Austro-Hungarian Empire was annexing Bosnia ? Herzegovina, taking the advantage of the languishing central authority, Bulgaria secured its independence and Crete declared its decision to adhere to Greece. Upon these bitter instances occured in the foreign policy of the country, the inhabitants of Konya made a response both boycotting these countries? goods and staging a demonstratim. As a result of these cases, national renaissance started in Konya.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Konya Sancağı, Konya Sanjak, Konya basını, Konya press, İttihat ve Terakki, Union and Progress Society
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Keser, F. (2008). Konya Vilayet gazetesi'ne göre II. Meşrutiyet başlarında Konya Sancağı. Selçuk Üniversitesi, Yayımlanmış yüksek lisans tezi, Konya.