Taner H.A.Önen V.2020-03-262020-03-2620160024-9416https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/34215Flotation method has gained importance because of necessity for processing of high clay content and low grade ore deposits with the reduction of the rich ore deposits in the world. Clay minerals which are the main gangue mineral in many mineralization create problems in all steps of the mineral processing. Difficulties in the processing of high clay content in ores are due to their different and complex structure. The clay minerals which have significant structural differences are the most complicated minerals in terms of composition and classification. These structural differences cause different behavior, so effect the enrichment process. The importance of understanding the mineralogy of clay minerals and their structural characteristics, hence effect of this properties to enrichment process is increasing day by day. The presence of clay minerals leads to problems such as changing of froth stability, problems related to swelling behavior, increase in pulp viscosity, overconsumption of reagents, slime coating and mechanical entrainment in flotation. To improve the flotation performance, to ensure the effects of clay minerals and understand this mechanism is required. In this article, it was investigated the effects of clay minerals on flotation performance and scientific studies related with this issue.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessClay mineralsFlotationFroth stabilityGangue entrainmentBehaviour of clays in pulp media and their effect on flotation [Killerin pülp ortamindaki davranişi ve flotasyona etkisi]Article5524551N/A