Aslan, Veysi2023-07-192023-07-191987 OcakAslan, V., (1987). Tüberküloz ve Bruselloz'un Yeni̇ ve Basi̇t Bi̇r Test ile Teşhi̇si̇ Üzeri̇nde Araştırmalar. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 3(1), 247-252.1309-69582146-1953 research was carried out on a total of 50 ill animals suspected from tuberculosis and brucellosis which were brought to the clinics of Veterinary Faculty and on 10 healthy cattle that have being raised at our experimental farm. All of the animals were inspected clinically and the new and simple test Balcı test was applied to those ones with tuberculosis and brusellosis. Based on the test evaluation, tuberculin was given in the case positive reaction and the serological methods were applied in the brusellosis incidents. The Balcı and tuberculin tests were both positive at 25 samples out of 40, the Balcı test was positive, but the tuberculin test was negative for 5 samples; on the other hand the Balcı and tuberculin were both negative for 10 samples. The same test was applied to 8 cattle and 2 rams with brucellosis and a positive relation was obtained. This was affirmed by the laboratorial findings. Methodology of Balcı test: A. Solutions 1- 0.75% Eosin Solution (Solution A). This solution was obtained 1 by dissolving Eosin in distilled water. 2- Glycine saline Buffer solution (pH 8.2), obtained by dissolving 7.5 gr glycine in 977 cc distilled water adding 2.5 cc 1 N Na OH the mixture was levelled to 1000 cc by adding distilled water and furthermore 8.5 gr NaCL was added. 3- 1% CaCL? solution, obtained by dissolving 1 gr granul ated pure CaCI, in 100 cc distiled water. 4- Three parts of Glycine Saline Buffer Solution were mixed with one part of 1% CaCI, solution. Sodium Acide of 1/20 concentration in distiled water was added to this mixture until the mixture reached a sodium acide concentration of 1/2000. The resulting mixture was used in the test and it is called solution B. B. Aplication A full drop of blood obtained from the top of ear was placed on a slide. A drop of solution was added and mixed with the tip of the lanset and the mixture was spread over the slide. Next a drop of solution B was added, mixed and spread smilarly. The slide was rolled back and forth. a couple of times. When many red granulations appeared in the mixture within two minutes the test was considered as positive.Bu araştırma S. U. Veteriner Fakültesi kliniklerine tuberküloz ve bruselloz şüphesi ile getirilen toplam 50 baş hasta ile S. Ü. Veteriner Fakültesi deneme ahırında besiye alınan sağlıklı 10 baş tosun üzerinde yapılmıştır. Hastaların tümü klinik olarak muayene edilmiş, tüberküloz ve bruselloz teşhisi konan hayvanlara yeni ve basit bir test olan Balcı testi uygulanmıştır. Testin sonucunda pozitif reaksiyon veren tüberkülozlu vakalara tüberkülin, brucellozis vakalarına ise laboratuvarda serolojik muayene yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Balcı testi tatbik edilen 40 hayvanın 25'inde hem test hemde tüberkülin pozitif, l'inde Balcı pozitif, tüberkülin negatif, 10'unda ise hem Balcı hem de tüberkülin negatif çıkmıştır. Brucelloz tanısı konan 8 baş sığır ve 2 baş koç'a da test uygulanmış ve pozitif reaksiyon elde edilmiş, laboratuvar değerleri ile de sonuçlar doğrulanmıştır.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessTüberküloz ve Bruselloz'un Yeni? ve Basi?t Bi?r Test ile Teşhi?si? Üzeri?nde AraştırmalarResearches on New and Simple Test for Differentiation of Tuberculosis and BrucellosisArticle31247252