Rahman, ShamsurRahman, Atiqur2018-05-022018-05-022010Rahman, S., Rahman, A. (2010). Population dynamical model for AIDS patients of a particular area. Selcuk Journal of Applied Mathematics, 11 (2), 3-11.1302-7980https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/10508URL: http://sjam.selcuk.edu.tr/sjam/article/view/262This is an attempt to translate the problem of AIDS patients into a mathematical problem, thereafter interpreting the solution in the language of real world. Here we proposed HIV/AIDS among the peoples as a resultant function of their unnatural sexual intercourses and obtained exponential HIV/AIDS patients growth model and logistic curve for HIV/AIDS patients. The interpretation of the logistic curve showed that the HIV/AIDS patient growth is massive and needs urgent care in terms of personal vulnerability of HIV infections.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAIDS patientMathematical problemResultant functionAIDS hastasıMatematik problemiSonuç işleviPopulation dynamical model for AIDS patients of a particular areaArticle11311