Sağlam, Coşkun2020-03-262020-03-2620131300-008X1303-6106 phytosociological properties of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ (Isparta province) were investigated in 2010 and 2011. The vegetation of the area was analysed using a 3-dimensional ordination technique based on the Braun-Blanquet method. As a result, 5 new plant associations were determined as belonging to forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation and classified syntaxonomically. The associations and their higher units are as follows. Quercetea-Pubescentis Doingt Kraft 1955. Querco-Cedretalia libani Barbéro, Loisel & Quézel 1974. 1. Meliloto bicoloris-Quercetum cocciferae ass. nova. 2. Hyperico heterophylli-Cistetum laurifolii ass. nova. 3. Atraphaxo billardieri-Amygdaletum orientalii ass. nova. Abieto-Cedrion Akman, Barbéro & Quézel 1977. 4. Veronico isauricae- Cedretum libani ass. nova. Astragalo-Brometea Quézel 1973. Onobrychido armenae-Thymetalia leucostomi Akman, Ketenoğlu & Quézel 1985. Phlomido armeniacae-Astragalion microcephali Ketenoğlu, Akman, Quézel & Demirörs 1984. 5. Centauro detonsae-Thymetum sipylei ass. novaeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiA phytosociological study of the forest, shrub, and steppe vegetation of Kızıldağ and environs (Isparta, Turkey)Article372316335