Kaya, BaştürkAladağ, Caner2023-03-022023-03-022009Kaya, B., Aladağ, C., (2009). Maki ve Garig Topluluklarının Türkiye’deki Yayılış Alanları ve Ekolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 67-80.2667-4750https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/45518Türkiye Holarktik flora alemi içerisinde yer alıp üç fitocoğrafik bölgeye ayrılmaktadır. Bu fitocoğrafik bölgelerin önemli bir kısmı Akdeniz flora bölgesine dahildir. Ilıman ve yağışlı kışlar, sıcak ve kurak yazlarla karakterize edilen Akdeniz iklimi sklerofil karakterde bitki örtüsünün gelişmesine imkan sağlamıştır. Maki ve garig bitkileri bu iklim kuşağı içerisinde önemli topluluklar oluşturur. Maki Akdeniz iklim koşullarında doğal olarak yetişen bir bitki topluluğudur. Makinin orman oluşturma özelliği yoktur. Kızılçam ormanının antropojenik etkilerle tahrip edildiği alanlara yerleşen maki sekonder makidir. Akdeniz havzasında yayılış gösteren sklerofil bitkiler ana kaya ve toprak özelliklerinden çok iklimsel dinamizm gösterir. İklim özellikleri incelendiğinde yıllık ortalama sıcaklık 12-18 °C civarındadır. Yağışların yaklaşık yarısı kasım ve mayıs ayların da arasında düşmektedir. Bu aylar arasında düşen yağışlar yer yer 1000 mm ulaşır. Özellikle yaz döneminin kurak geçmesi bu bölgede kuraklığa dayanıklı bir vejetasyon tipinin gelişmesine imkân sağlamıştır. Akdeniz fitocoğrafik bölgesinin jeolojik yapısını volkanik, metamorfik ve tortul kayaçlar oluşturur. En yaygın kaya grubu Mesozoyik ve Tersiyerde oluşmuş kireçtaşlarıdır. Ayrıca çeşitli jeolojik dönemlerde oluşmuş, serpantin, gre, gabro, peridotit, şist, mikaşist, gnays, marn, bazalt, andezit, dolorit, spilit ve porfirit gibi kayaçlara da rastlanmaktadır. Toprak istekleri bakımından benzer özellik gösterseler de makiler az kireçli, garigler ise kireçli toprakları tercih eder. Maki bitkileri yatay yönde Akdeniz iklim etkisinin görüldüğü iç kesimlere kadar sokulabilirken, dikey yönde Akdeniz kıyılarında 700-800 m’lere, Ege kıyılarında 400-600 m’ye ve Marmara kıyılarında 300-400 m’ye kadar çıkabilmektedir. Maki bitkileri içerisinde Fabaceace, Lamiaceae ve Ericaceae familyalarına ait türlerin çoğunlukta olduğu görülür. Colutea melanocalyx Boiss.& Heldr. ssp. melanocalyx, Dorystoechas hastata Boiss. & Heldr. ex Bentham, Lavandula stoechas L. cariensis (Boiss.) Rozeria, Quercus auceri Jaub. et Spach. gibi maki bitkileri ise Türkiye için endemik türlerdir.Turkey takes place in Holarctic flora regnum and is divided into 3 phytogeographical regions. The important part of these phytogeographical regions are in the Mediterranean flora region. The Mediterranean climate that is characterised with mild and rainy winters and hot and arid summers gave chance to a vegetation which has a sclerophyll character. Maquis and garriques plants, form important groups in this belt. Maquis is the natural vegetation formed by 1-2 meter height small trees or shrubs that do not lose leaves in winters and have leatherly leaves; and is intrinsic to the regions, in which Mediterranean climate takes over. Sometimes it can be formed by shrubs and small trees higher than 2 meters. The areas which are encased in this vegetation are called macquis shrubland. Macquis shrublands are secondary vegetations which are formed as results of forest fires or as results of human’s destructions of forests. Another vegetation which is thin, sclerophyll and shortened chameophyt plant association and is growth on the limestone bedrock and calcareous soil, takes part in Mediterranean region. This secondary plant association which settles the region after the destruction of maquis is called garriques. Another vegetation called pseudomaquis is seen in the regions under Mediterranean climate conditions, alongshore of Blacksea. Most of this plants that are in the form of shrubs consist of evergreen species. Some of these species that found a chance to grow in semi-arid humid climates, are seen in enclaves in the Mediterranean reigon. This plants are called pseudomaquis. From which species do these associations - that found opportunity to grow in Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara regions from place to place in Blacksea region - come from; distribution areas and growth conditions, form the aim of the research. The Turkish names of the species forming maquis, garriques and pseudomaquis are determined by dependance to the bedrock and the height steps main roads where they show their distribution. Maquis is a plant association which is naturally growth under the Mediterranean climate conditions. Maquis does not have the characteristic to form forest. The maquis which is settled on areas at where red pine (Pinus brutia) forest is destructed by the anthropogenic effects, is called secondary maquis. Quercus coccifera (cermes oak) forms the majority of maquis plants. The elements of maquis are consisted of evergreen plants which show vegetative growth almost during the whole year. Plants such as Calycotome villosa, Spartium junceum, Styrax officinalis, Paliurus spina-christi lose leaves in winters. Maquis plants can be defined as tall maquis and dwarf maquis by their physiognomies (appearance). Plants showing characters of shrub and whose heights are up to 4-5 meters such as Laurus nobilis, Arbutus andrachne, Myrtus communis, Juniperus oxycedrus, Colutea cilicica, Punica granatum, Arbutus unedo, Quercus ilex, Cercis siliquastrum, Phillyrea latifolia form the tall maquis. Plants whose heights are 1,5-2 meters such as Rosmarinus officinalis, Jasminum fruticans, Daphne sericea, Daphne gnidioides, Osyris alba, Ruscus aculeatus, Erica arborea are the dwarf maquis. Sclerophyll plant associations show climatic dynamism more than the properties of bedrock and soil. When climate characteristics of Mediterranean basis are analyised, the average of annual temperatures are about 12-18 °C. Approximately the half of precipitations fall between November-April. The precipitations falling between these months reach up to 1000 mm. The arid summer period, gave the chance for a vegetation type which is durable to the aridity to grow. The geological structure of Akdeniz phytogeographical region consists of volcanic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. The most common rock groups are limestones formed on mesozoic and tertiary. Also, some rocks that are formed in various geological periods, such as, sandstone, gabbro, peridotite, schist, mica schist, gneiss, marl, basalt, andesite, dolorite, spilite and porphyrine can be seen. The high temperature conditions at the region caused reddish brown soils to be occured on these rock bottoms. These soils whose organic substance ammount is low, are generally basic characterised. Under these conditions, the area is stony, rocky and sfewer soiled. Maquis and garriques plants grow well in these environments, because of they form deep root systems. Soil desires of Maquis plants that are adapted to the Mediterranean climate type are various. In these; Mediterranean soils, reddish brown Mediterranean soils take important parts. Also it is possible to find rendzinas, alluvial soils and sandy-gravel soils. When the physical and chemical properties of these soils are analysed it is seen that they are the product of rock bottom. For this reason some parts of these soils show acid reaction while some parts show alkaline reaction. Although they show similar properties with regards to soil desires, maquis prefer low calcareous, garriques prefer calcareous soils. Although the rock bottom preference of maquis plants are mostly limestone, garriques preferences are in the forms of limestone with marn and schist. But, when the topic is considered generally, it is understood from the obtained data that these plants can spread on different bedrock. As the maquis plants can reach to inner regions under Mediterranean climate effect horizontally, they can reach up to 700- 800 meters at the Mediterranean shores, 400-600 meters at the Aegean shores and 300-400 meters at the Marmara shores. It is seen that some species can be at places higher than 1600 meters. As the garriques can be averagely up to 500-600 meters; some of it’s species can be found at the altitude steps between the beginning of shore and 1900 meters. Maquis plants are varied at the altitude steps below 1000 meters. Arbutus unedo, Cistus salviifolius, Euphorbia dendroides, Osyris alba, Pistacia lentiscus, Rosmarinus officinalis of maquis plants are seen at the altitude steps between 1-400 meters. Upwards from 200 meters species such as Quercus aucheri, Cerris siliquastrum, Fontenesia phillyreoides, Pinus halepensis, Punica granatum can reach up to altitude at 400 meters and heigher steps. As many maquis species participate to these species, floristic structure at the altitude between 700-800 meters steps gets richer. All these plants form maquis and garriques formation inside the calabrian pine forests. Species belonging to Fabaceace, Lamiaceae and Ericaceae families forms the majority of maquis association. Species of maquis plants such as Colutea melanocalyx Boiss.& Heldr. ssp. melanocalyx, Dorystoechas hastata Boiss. & Heldr. ex Bentham, Lavandula stoechas L. cariensis (Boiss.) Rozeria, Quercus auceri Jaub. et Spach. are endemic for Turkey.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMakiGarigTürkiyeMaquisGarriquesTurkeyMaki ve Garig Topluluklarının Türkiye’deki Yayılış Alanları ve Ekolojik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesiAnalyse of Distribution Areas in Turkey and Ecologic Characteristics of Maquis and Garriques CommunitiesArticle226780