Dedeoğlu, MertÖzaytekin, Hasan HüseyinBaşayiğit, Levent2024-05-232024-05-232018 TemmuDedeoğlu, M., Özaytekin, H. H.,Başayiğit, L., (2018). An Approach to Comparing Different Land Evaluation Methods with NDVI. Selcuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(2), 179-185. DOI: 10.15316/SJAFS.2018.832458-8377 evaluation is a necessary process for determining the potential cabilities of the land under different uses and for sustainable soil fertility. Today, many land evaluation models have been developed and using for this purpose. But the availability of models is constantly being investigated by the researcers. In this study, Storie Index (SI) and Productivity Index (PI) models were compared with NDVI values which are a remote sensing analysis in Konya Beşgözler agricultural field using GIS. In the results of the study, SI land evaluation model was determined with higher accuracy coefficient (r2 : 0.86) compared to PI model (r2 : 0.29) in terms of the ability of the soil cability based on the density of vegetation and the use of this model is recommended for Arid region soils.eng15316/SJAFS.2018.83info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGISLand evaluationNDVIProductivity IndexStorie IndexAn Approach to Comparing Different Land Evaluation Methods with NDVIarticle322179185