Ozic, Muhammet UsameOzbay, YukselEkmekci, Ahmet Hakan2020-03-262020-03-262015978-1-4673-7386-92165-0608https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/3193023nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU) -- MAY 16-19, 2015 -- Inonu Univ, Malatya, TURKEYDementia is a stage that identifies all of the symptoms that led to the weakening of multiple cognitive functions. It is usually expressed as "bunama" among people. Dementia is not a disease itself is known as a transition period that defines the initial stages of many diseases. Proportional change in mental function of many variables that influence causes our body causing this stage, textural and volume losses which may occur in the brain, the person may be counted as demographic and clinical variables. Prediction of disease with a combination of variables is one of the popular sizes in recent topics in the literature. In this study received the demented patients from Open Access Series of Imaging Studies (OASIS) database structural magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features and use in combination with the demographic data of the patients was investigated in artificial neural networks classification performance.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessANNDementiaMRMultiple VariableOASISClassification of Dementia with ANN using Multiple VariableConference Object21992202WOS:000380500900531N/A