Jumabekov, YerbolKocer, Sabri2020-12-232020-12-232013Jumabekov, Y., Kocer, S. (2013).Linear CCD's Using Labview Control. Journal of Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science, 2, (2), 28-37.2147-3781https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/40889This paper describes the development of LabVIEW based for charge-coupled device (CCD) liner image sensor. The Toshiba TSD 1304DG CCD linear image sensor contains 3648 effective pixels, each pixel approximately 8µm x 200µm. The dimension of a measured object is determined form its shadow projected on a CCD sensor. Alight source of parallel beams is usually applied in this case. To achieve such light source quality, an optical system with lenses has to be used, it increases its dimension.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCCD linear image sensoreffective pixelsLabVIEWdimension measurementLinear CCD's Using Labview ControlArticle222837