Akbal, BahadirUrkmez, Abdullah2020-03-262020-03-262013978-1-4799-3343-3https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/2954110th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO) -- NOV 07-09, 2013 -- Turgut Ozal Univ, Ankara, TURKEYSome events which occur due to loads affect the electrical networks. These events can be sorted as overvoltage, short circuit, voltage drop, and power loss. Short circuit, voltage drop and power loss are related to the parameters of the power line which belongs to the electrical network, and overvoltage is related to parallel resonance. System impedance increases extremely during parallel resonance. If current of system (50Hz) or harmonic currents encounter high impedance, overvoltage occurs. In this study, parameters and parallel resonance power of the power line were estimated by using Genetic Algorithm (GA). If parallel resonance power is determined accurately, it isn't exceeded by load capacitor power, and parallel resonance doesn't occur. It was seen at the end of experimental results that estimation accuracy rate (EAR) of GA is adequate to solve these problems.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAccuracy rateGAparameter estimationparallel resonanceparallel resonance power estimationGENETIC ALGORITHM TO SOLVE ELECTRICAL NETWORK PROBLEMSConference Object235238N/AWOS:000336616500060N/A