Bozkurt, Ş. BurcuGüngör, A. DilekGutman, IvanÇevik, A. Sinan2020-03-262020-03-262010Bozkurt, Ş. B., Güngör, A. D., Gutman, I., Çevik, A. S., (2010). Randic Matrix and Randic Energy. Match-Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, (64), 239-250.0340-6253 G is a graph on n vertices, and d(i) is the degree of its i-th vertex, then the Randic matrix of G is the square matrix of order n whose (i, j)-entry is equal to 1/root d(i) d(j) di if the i-th and j-th vertex of G are adjacent, and zero otherwise. This matrix in a natural way occurs within Laplacian spectral theory, and provides the non-trivial part of the so-called normalized Laplacian matrix. In spite of its obvious relation to the famous Randic index, the Randic matrix seems to have not been much studied in mathematical chemistry. In this paper we define the Randic energy as the sum of the absolute values of the eigenvalues of the Randic matrix, and establish mine of its properties, in particular lower and upper bounds for it.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRandic Matrix and Randic EnergyArticle64239250Q1WOS:000281508800023Q1