Çoban, AyşeKılıç, Selim2023-03-022023-03-022009Çoban, A., Kılıç, S., (2009). Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetimlerin Çevreye Yönelik Politikaları: Konya Selçuklu Belediyesi SELKAP Örneği. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22, 117-130.2667-4750https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/45506Bu çalışmada Türkiye’deki birçok ilin nüfusundan daha fazla bir nüfusa hizmet götürmek zorunda olan Konya ili Selçuklu ilçesi belediyesinin çevrenin korunmasına yönelik politikaları ele alınmıştır. Söz konusu politikalardan SELKAP projesi (Selçuklu Belediyesi Kaynağından Ayırma Projesi) incelenerek, özellikle katı atık yönetimi ile ambalaj atıkları yönetiminin uygulama şekli ve uygulama sonuçları analiz edilmiştir. Yapılan incelemelerde SELKAP projesinin oldukça kapsamlı bir proje olduğu ve zamanla uygulama alanlarının artacağı görülmüştür. Ayrıca söz konusu proje, çevrenin korunmasına yönelik olarak yeni arayışlar içerisinde bulunan yerel yönetimler ve özelliklede belediyeler açısından yol gösterici bir proje olarak dikkate alınabilir. Ancak her projede olduğu gibi bu tür projelerin başarılı olabilmesi, ilgililerin/paydaşların daha duyarlı olmasını gerektirmektedir.In this study, the municipal district of Konya Seljuk, which has to take service to have population more than many provinces of Turkey, policies for the protection of the environment have been addressed. The policy of SELKAP project (Seljuk City Resource Allocation in Project) is examined, particularly with solid waste management of packaging waste management and application results of the application form have been analyzed. Increasing environmental pollution come back to the people with boomerang effect both as health problems and economic losses. Man's production capacity is limited to the sustainability of natural systems. In fact, scientific and technological developments may lead to harmful consequences for the environment which is extremely expressed by George Perkins Marsh in 1864 in his work, "Man and Nature". Studies such as Malthus's population, Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring", The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin are the ones on environmental protection and the creation of environmental awareness in society in the direction of the have put forward are working. Come into prominence of urbanization each passing day, rural-urban migration of the population of people living in urban areas as well as the expectations for increasing the quality of life, dragging the local governments to the new local governments are dragging to the new quests. Today, as a local governing body, municipalities have been observed in lots of studies in many different areas to protect the environment and to prevent environmental pollution. If these are desired to stated in main topics; increasing the quality of air, better managing the water resources, conserving the quality of soil, recovering the flora and fauna, solid waste management and recycling, noise pollution, prevention of municipal issues such as new access to the expansions. Population growth, rising living standards, technological development and the amount of solid waste the city to become parallel and variations are increasing with each passing day. The negative effects of these wastes to nature have become a major environmental problem. Depending on the changes in consumption habits of people solid wastes in plastic, glass, papercardboard can be recycled, such as the amount or nature of the waste is increasing day by day. This article about an important place in solid waste in a healthy way of assessing whether the recovery of natural resources conservation, energy savings and economic reasons have become mandatory. In addition, the industrial revolution and urbanization, as well as excessive consumption of unconscious behavior of today's environmental problems were uncovered. The environment for sustainable development is an important location. Differences between countries, although some protection of ecological values in recent years one of the most controversial issue has become. This discussion of the sensitivity of people to the environment increases, the sensitivity of the new developments in the political field constituted. Came to power through elections in particular mechanisms for environmental management units in order to meet social needs must develop new policies. In the countries increased environmental awareness, with impact of internal and external dynamics rapid increases seen in political organizations. Political evolutions for the protection of the environment, under the concept of political ecology are tried to explain. Political ecology, natural and man by the hand out of all the problems relating to the environment, the organizations in the struggle for power by successful efforts to contain to be politicized. Another perspective of political ecology, political organizations came to power by elections, the electoral process to be successful in what kind of policy was made for environmental issues are addressed. Social awareness in environmental issues in developed countries where per job with general local government elections to produce new policies are having. As an aspect of political ecology in the near future agenda of the debate seems to be busy. This discussion focuses on particular functions of local government and local governments in this process are to establish new missions. Local governments perform the control and service duties about all issues that may lead environmental pollution. Of these, particularly the municipalities, waste pollution, waste water pollution, air pollution, parks and green spaces and the installation of the protection, visual pollution, noise pollution and other types of pollution control will do this with are trying to solve problems. The actualizing successfully of the resource allocation projects which are enter in to force by municipalities primarily to perform the effective implementation of legislation and public awareness about solid waste and recycling needs. People do not adopt the execution of applications is quite difficult. In this context, solid waste and recycling issues by giving weight to practical training, the studies about recovery must extend. Bureaucratic obstacles to be faced by the municipality must remove and the municipality for such applications should be encouraged. In addition, legislation to punish those who acted against the interests of effective implementation of the legislation is necessary. On the other hand, as well as seasonal difficulties of transport and route issues to be reviewed frequently, the system effectively and efficiently carried out for the establishment of the related units, the necessary equipment and machinery for the receipt of municipal sources of problems to be solved is of great importance. Through the channel of the Municipal Association, solid waste disposal facilities should be provided in association canceled for regional solutions. Made an extensive review of the project is SELKAP projects and timing of application areas will increase was seen. In addition, this project can be considered as a leading project to local governments and especially municipalities that have new searches for the protection of the environment. However, as with any project, relevant parties/stakeholders need to be more sensitive to be successful such projects.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessYerel YönetimlerKonyaSelçuklu BelediyesiÇevreSelkapLocal GovernmentsSeljuk MunicipalityEnvironmentTürkiye’de Yerel Yönetimlerin Çevreye Yönelik Politikaları: Konya Selçuklu Belediyesi SELKAP ÖrneğiThe Environment Protection Policies Of Local Governments In Turkey: The Case Of SELKAP – KonyaArticle22117130