Beduk, AykutCelik, Neriman2020-03-262020-03-262017978-605-82290-0-6 International Academic Conference on Social Science, Multidisciplinary and Globalization Studies (MIRDEC) -- JUL 04-07, 2017 -- Masters Int Res & Dev Ctr, Madrid, SPAINIn recent years, Human Resources Applications became an increasingly important enterprise function at enterprises. This has many reasons but a few of those reasons are human resources management including many factors such as; working hours, payment settings, productivity, role distributing, role conflicts, work analysis, work load, performance assessment and employment conditions. Thanks to such applications of Human Resources Management will provide personnel establishing a balance satisfying and making successful their work lives and private lives. Any possible errors, faults or missing at the contrary applications may cause negatively occurring of this balance. Because, work life balance refers satisfaction of personnel in various fields like health, work, private life, career at their both private life and work life. In this case, human resources management has importance that cannot be ignored at the enterprises. The relation between Human resources Management (HRM) applications and WorkLife Balance will be set forth through this study. The research will be performed at the accommodation enterprises that are active in City, Konya.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEnterprisehuman resources applicationswork life balanceA RESEARCH ON ASSESSING THE IMPACTS OF HUMAN RESOURCES APPLICATION ON WORK-LIFE BALANCEConference Object5159WOS:000426277800005N/A