Basciftci, FatihIncekara, Hayri2020-03-262020-03-2620120148-55981573-689X this study, it is aimed, using the Web-based Expert System with Fuzzy Input (WESFI), to convert the patients' (users') Serology Laboratory Tests (SLT) results to linguistic statements (low, normal, high) and analyzing those, give a feedback to the user (patient) of the potential signs of disease. The feedbacks given to the patients are the existing interpretations in the database, which were prepared by doctors before. Furthermore, the SLT terms (Brucella Coombs, Ama, P-Protein etc.) are explained in a way that the user can understand. The WESFI is published with an interface on the web environment. In order to determine the rate of the success of the WESFI, users evaluated the system answering the "How do you find the evaluation?" question. The question has been answered by 461 users. As a result it is observed that 90% of female users, 92% of male users and 91% of all users found the system useful.en10.1007/s10916-011-9684-3info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessExpert systemFuzzy inputMedical examinationSerologyLaboratory testsDesign of Web-Based Fuzzy Input Expert System for the Analysis of Serology Laboratory TestsArticle3642187219121445677Q1WOS:000306549000012Q2