Duran, RemziBas, Ali2020-03-262020-03-2620181300-5766https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/37110Since the Turks took the stage of history, they have made it a tradition to mark the tamgas of their tribes of which they belonged to on their animals, on the things they used and on the small or big architectural works they built. The Turkic tribes that had a part in the conquest of Anatolia, mostly gave the name of their own tribes to the places they conquered as well. One of the most effective of these tribes was the tribe Kayi. We see that the tamga of the tribe Kayi was used not only as tamga but also as tamga-motif. This study is upon the use of this tamga as tamga-motif in architecture from the Seljuks to the Ottomans.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessKayi tribeOghuzsstamp-tamgaUPON THE USE OF THE TAMGA OF THE TRIBE KAYI FROM OGHUZS AS A MOTIF IN THE ANATOLIAN TURKIC ARCHITECTURAL DECORATIONArticle43523535#YOKWOS:000436972400031N/A