Erdoğan, İlkay OrhanÖzçelik, BerrinKartal, MuratKan, Yüksel2020-03-262020-03-2620121300-01521303-6092 graveolens, tam-olgun ve çiçeklenme dönemlerinde toplanan Foeniculum vulgare, Mentha piperita ve M. spicata, Lavandula officinalis, Ocimum basilicum (yeşil ve mor-yapraklı varyeteler), Origanum onites, O. vulgare, O. munitiflorum ve O. majorana, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis ve Satureja cuneifolia’dan elde edilen uçucu yağlar ve yanı sıra uçucu yağlarda sıklıkla rastlanan bileşenler (?-terpinen, 4-allilanisol, (-)-karvon, dihidrokarvon, D-limonen, (-)-fenkon, kuminil alkol, kuminil aldehit, kuminol, trans-anetol, kamfen, izoborneol, (-)-borneol, L-bornil asetat, 2-dekanol, 2-heptanol, metilheptan, farnesol, nerol, izopulegol, sitral, sitronellal, sitronellol, geraniol, geranil ester, linalol, linalil oksit, linalil ester, ?-pinen, ?-pinen, piperiton, (-)-mentol, izomenton, karvakrol, timol, vanilin ve öjenol) Herpes simplex tip-1 (HSV-1) ve parainfl uenza tip-3’e (PI-3) karşı antiviral aktiviteleri için taranmıştır. Sitotoksisite, sitopatojenik etki olarak ifade edilmiştir. Yağların ve bileşiklerin çoğu, 0,8-0,025 ?g mL {-1} arasında değişmek üzere, HSV-1’e karşı yüksek antiviral aktivite göstermiştir. Ancak, test edilen örnekler 1,6-0,2 ?g mL {-1} arasında değişen oranda PI-3’e karşı daha az etkilidirler. A. graveolens uçucu yağı en aktiftir. Yağların çoğu iyi antibakteriyel ve antifungal aktivite göstermişlerdir.The essential oils obtained from Anethum graveolens, Foeniculum vulgare collected at fully-mature and flowering stages, Mentha piperita, Mentha spicata, Lavandula officinalis, Ocimum basilicum (green- and purpleleaf varieties), Origanum onites, O. vulgare, O. munitiflorum, O. majorana, Rosmarinus offi cinalis, Salvia offi cinalis, and Satureja cuneifolia, as well as the widely encountered components in essential oils (γ-terpinene, 4-allylanisole, (-)-carvone, dihydrocarvone, D-limonene, (-)-phencone, cuminyl alcohol, cuminyl aldehyde, cuminol, trans-anethole, camphene, isoborneol, (-)-borneol, L-bornyl acetate, 2-decanol, 2-heptanol, methylheptane, farnesol, nerol, isopulegol, citral, citronellal, citronellol, geraniol, geranyl ester, linalool, linalyl oxide, linalyl ester, α-pinene, β-pinene, piperitone, (-)-menthol, isomenthone, carvacrol, thymol, vanillin, and eugenol), were screened for their antiviral activity against Herpes simplex type-1 (HSV-1) and parainfluenza type-3 (PI-3). Cytotoxicity was expressed as cytopathogenic effect. Most of the oils and compounds displayed strong antiviral effects against HSV-1, ranging between 0.8 and 0.025 μg mL−1. However, the samples tested were less effective against PI-3, with results ranging between 1.6 and 0.2 μg mL {-1}. The essential oil of A. graveolens was the most active. Most of the tested oils and compounds exhibited good antibacterial and antifungal effects.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessBiyolojiAntimicrobial and antiviral eff ects of essential oils from selected Umbelliferae and Labiatae plants and individual essential oil componentsSeçilmiş Umbelliferae ve Labiatae bitkilerinin uçucu yağları ve tek uçucu yağ bileşiklerinin antimikrobiyal ve antiviral etkileriArticle363239246