Hüseyinca, M. YavuzDoğanay, Osman2020-03-262020-03-262018Hüseyinca, M. Y., Doğanay, O. (2018). Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of Ancient Ceramic Sherds from Dipsizin Cave (Karaman, Turkey). Hittite Journal of Science and Engineering, 5(2), 91-96.2149-21232148-4171https://dx.doi.org/10.17350/HJSE19030000078https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/36013Raw materials of two ancient ceramic sherds (ceramic-1 and ceramic-2) from Dipsizincave were analyzed by SEM-EDS in order to characterize ceramic fabrics. Characterizationincludes separation of temper and clay paste sections, qualitative determination ofmineralogical compositions and percentage calculations of raw materials by region sketching.In this perspective, ceramic-1 is characterized as % 41.83 temper (quartz, albite, rutile,lime, organic material) and % 58.17 clay paste. Then, ceramic-2 is characterized to be %37.52 temper (quartz, anorthoclase, rutile, lime, organic material) and % 62.48 clay paste.Clay paste sections of both ceramics include mixture of clay minerals belonging to illiteand smectite clay groups. In comparison, percentages of temper and clay paste sections ofceramic-1 and ceramic-2 differ % 4.31 from each other and variety of raw materials makingup both ceramic bodies are nearly same except feldspars. But individually quartz and limepercentages between ceramics differ nearly two times. In this opinion we realize that rawmaterials are mixed by tracking two recipes. These recipes can be explained by differentpottery making technologies and/or different archaeological provenances.en10.17350/HJSE19030000078info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessDipsizin CaveRegion SketchingMineralogical and geochemical characterization of ancient ceramic sherds from dipsizin cave (Karaman, Turkey)Article529196