Telli, Arife Ezgi.Kahraman, Hatice Ahu.Bicer, Yusuf.Gurbuz, Umit.2020-03-262020-03-262019Telli, A. E., Kahraman, H. A., Bicer, Y., Gurbuz, U. (2019). Detection of the Airborne Microbiological Contamination in Domestic Refrigerators in a Student Residential Area of Konya-Turkey. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 28(6), 4790-4797.1018-46191610-2304 study aimed to determine the general hygiene status of different residential groups including the student and working residential areas, near the campus of Selcuk University in Konya -Turkey. The student residential group consisted of male (n=27) and female (n=19) students, and another group was of family residents (n=32). Temperature measurement and microbiological analyses using an active air sampler to detect airborne contamination including total viable count (TVC), total psychrotrophic count (TPC), yeast and mold, Pseudomonas spp., and coliform bacteria count (CC) in refrigerators were performed. Temperature measurements showed that 88.7 % of 78 samples had a temperature of higher than 5 C. The temperature of refrigerators of male students was higher than that of families and female students (p < 0.05). TVC was lower in the family refrigerators than those of male and female students (p < 0.05). Six (7.69 %) and 20 (25.64 %) of the domestic refrigerators were found to be contaminated with Pseudomonas spp. and CCs. Yeast and molds and CCs were lower in family refrigerators than in those of male students (p < 0.05). Airborne contamination was maximum in the refrigerators of male students for all the microbiological counts.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAir samplingdomestic refrigeratorstemperaturestudentfamilyDetection of the airborne microbiological contamination in domestic refrigerators in a student residential area of Konya-TurkeyArticle28647904797WOS:000473562700047N/A