Avci, Mehmet AliOzkose, AbdullahTamkoc, Ahmet2020-03-262020-03-2620131680-5593https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/29847This research was conducted to determine yield, yield components and quality characteristics of sainfoin genotypes m two locations winch were consisted from Selcuk University, Agricultural Faculty trial field (Konya) and Turkoba Village (Polath/Ankara) according to the Randomized Blocks Design with 4 replications Some traits such as plant height (cm), stem thickness (cm), green herbage yield (t ha(-1)), dry herbage yield (t ha(-1)), crude protein content (%), crude protein yield (kg ha(-1)) and ash content (%) were examined The characteristics of dry herbage yield, crude protein content and crude protein yield winch are known as the most important properties m forages were found as fallowing, 3 275-4 958 t ha(-1), 10 08-13 55% and 355 00-602 25 kg ha(-1), respectively.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAshdry herbagesainfoinyieldcrudeStudy of Genotype x Environment Interaction on Agricultural and Quality in Sainfoin (Onobrychis sativa) GenotypesArticle124428430N/AWOS:000324531000002N/A