Ozaytekin, Hasan HuseyinUzun, Cihan2020-03-262020-03-2620121842-40901844-489Xhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/27857Entisols and Alfisols are derived from limestone under Mediterranean mountain climate conditions with a mesic temperature regime and a xeric moisture regime. These Entisols are weakly developed, as shown by their reduced thickness and their lack of diagnostic subsurface horizons, The aim of this research is to study and compare the pedogenic evolution of Alfisols and weakly developed Entisols using weathering indices as well as CIA, CIW, WIP, P, PIA, base/R2O3, and some geochemical rates together with other features such as the mineralogy and some analytical characteristics. Our results show that soils classified as Alfisol and Entisol have similar weathering indices and pedochemical activity. The major factors determining soil genesis in this area appear to be topographical rather than climatic and the nature of parent material affected by the leaching regime and weathering rates.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessWeathering ratespedogenic evolutiongeochemistryAlfisolEntisolCOMPARISON OF WEATHERING RATES OF THE SOILS CLASSIFIED IN ALFISOL AND ENTISOL ORDER DEVELOPED ON LIMESTONE IN THE TAURUS MOUNTAINS AT EAST MEDITERRANEAN REGIONArticle71109120Q3WOS:000301625700012Q3