Tümer, Abdullah ErdalYavuz, CankatKoçer, Sabri2018-10-312018-10-312018Tümer, A. E., Yavuz, C., Koçer, S. (2018). Estimation of unbalance cost due to demand prediction errors using artificial neural network. Selçuk-Teknik Dergisi, (Özel sayı), 27-37.1302-6178https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/13190Url: http://sutod.selcuk.edu.tr/sutod/article/view/416Estimation of energy demand is used as an important tool for decision makers determining company strategies and policies. Apart from this, the fact that the actual consumption differs from the forecast is harmful for the economy of the company and even for the economy of the big scale. In this study, it is aimed to estimate the imbalance aberration caused by demand forecast deviation with Artificial Neural Networks and to evaluate its results.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessArtificial neural networkDemand predictionUnbalance costEnergy demandYapay sinir ağıTalep tahminiDengesizlik maliyetiEnerji talebiEstimation of unbalance cost due to demand prediction errors using artificial neural networkArticle2737