Botsalı, Murat SelimKüçükyılmaz, EbruTosun, GülAltunsoy, MustafaŞener, Yağmur2020-03-262020-03-2620152147-690X aim of this study was to examine the effectof bonding agents under fissure sealants on bond strengthand microleakage.MATERIALS ANDMETHOD: A total of 210 freshly extracted noncarious human third molar teeth were used (105 teeth forshear bond strength and 105 teeth for microleakage assessment). The teeth were randomly assigned to 14groups, with 15 teeth in each group. Fissurit FX was applied to the etched enamel in the control groups. In the experimental groups, the self-etch adhesives: Clearfil SEBond, G Bond, Clearfil DC Bond and the total-etch adhesives: Prelude, Adper Single Bond and Optibond S wereapplied and light-cured followed by the subsequent application and light-curing of Fissurit FX. Shear bond strengthwas tested to failure in a universal testing machine with a1 mm/min crosshead speed. The shear bond strength datawas analyzed by using One Way ANOVA and Tukey HSDtests. Microleakage was evaluated by using a dye penetration method after mechanical loading and thermocycling. The microleakage data was analyzed by using theKruskal-Wallis and Tamhane tests.RESULTS: The microleakage of the Adper Single Bond Plusgroup was significantly less than that of the control group(p<0.05). However, the shear bond strength value of theAdper Single Bond Plus group was significantly less thanthat of the control group, again. The shear bond strengthvalue of Clearfil SE Bond was significantly greater thanthat of the control group (p<0.05).CONCLUSION: Clearfil SE Bond improved the shear bondstrength, and Adper Single Bond Plus decreased the mieninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDiş HekimliğiOrginal reseach article Effects of adhesive systems applied under fissure sealants to microleakage and shear bond strengthArticle3226367