Seyfi, Selda Uzal2020-03-262020-03-2620121459-0255 gases are one of the significant factors affecting global climate change and human health. The study was performed in free-stall housing (FHS) and semi open loose housing (LHS) in Konya in 2007 - 2008 periods in order to determine daily and seasonal variation of air pollutants and some climatic parameters in barns and the effects on animal health and environmental air quality of these gases. The levels of ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) formed in barns and oxygen (O-2) levels existing in LHS and FHS were measured using a multi-gas monitor at 5 min intervals. Temperature, relative humidity and air flow values were measured on hourly basis. During total of 40 d across summer and winter (10 d for each season) in two dairy houses, all the data were recorded and evaluated according to time periods, seasons and barn systems. All phenotypes were analyzed via ANOVA. In this study, the values of NH3 (P<0.01), CH4 and H2S (P<0.01) emissions were higher in LHS than that in Fl-IS for both seasonal and daily time periods. LHS might be used for animal welfare and productivity in Turkey animal husbandry as well as for improved manure management system.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessLivestock buildingmethaneammoniahydrogen sulfideDaily and seasonal variation of air pollutants and some climatic parameters in freestall and loose dairy cattle houses in Konya, TurkeyArticle1003.04.20209921000N/AWOS:000311600700082Q4