Yavaş, ÇağdaşYavaş, GülerÇelik, EsinBüyükyörük, AhmetBüyükyörük, CennetYüce, DenizAta, Özlem2020-03-262020-03-262019Yavaş, Ç., Yavaş, G., Çelik, E., Büyükyörük, A., Büyükyörük, C., Yüce, D., Ata, Ö. (2019). Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methyl-Butyrate, L-glutamine, and L-arginine Supplementation Improves Radiation-Induce Acute Intestinal Toxicity. Journal of Dietary Supplements, 16,(5), 576-591.1939-0211https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19390211.2018.1472709https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/38415We aimed to evaluate effects of ?-hydroxy-?-methylbutyrate, L-glutamine, and L-arginine (HMB/GLN/ARG) on radiation-induced acute intestinal toxicity. Forty rats were divided into four groups: group (G) 1 was defined as control group, and G2 was radiation therapy (RT) control group. G3 and G4 were HMB/GLN/ARG control and RT plus HMB/GLN/ARG groups, respectively. HMB/GLN/ARG started from day of RT and continued until the animals were sacrificed 10 days after RT. The extent of surface epithelium smoothing, villous atrophy, lamina propria inflammation, cryptitis, crypt distortion, regenerative atypia, vascular dilatation and congestion, and fibrosis were quantified on histological sections of intestinal mucosa. Statistical analyses were performed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. There were significant differences between study groups regarding extent of surface epithelium smoothing, villous atrophy, lamina propria inflammation, cryptitis and crypt distortion, regenerative atypia, vascular dilatation and congestion, and fibrosis (p values were 0.019 for fibrosis, <.001 for the others). Pair-wise comparisons revealed significant differences regarding surface epithelium smoothing, villous atrophy, lamina propria inflammation, cryptitis, vascular dilatation, and congestion between G2 and G4 (p values were <.001,.033, <.001,.007, and <.001, respectively). Fibrosis score was significantly different only between G1 and G2 (p =.015). Immunohistochemical TGF-? score of G2 was significantly higher than G1 and G3 (p values were.006 and.017, respectively). There was no difference between TGF-? staining scores of G2 and G4. Concomitant use of HMB/GLN/ARG appears to ameliorate radiation-induced acute intestinal toxicity; however, this finding should be clarified with further studies. © 2018, © 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.en10.1080/19390211.2018.1472709info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessintestineL-arginineL-glutamineradiation-enteropathy?-hydroxy-?-methylbutyrateBeta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methyl-Butyrate, L-glutamine, and L-arginine supplementation improves Radiation-Induce acute intestinal toxicityArticle16557659129969326Q2