Kaya, Mehmet2020-03-262020-03-2620181303-9199https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/36986From past to present tevil stands before us as a concept that the discussions about either its definition or its essence have never ended. Although lots of studies have been performed on this subject, the efforts about it are still going on. In spite of this, it is not possible to say that the issue has been clarified. Besides this debate, presentation of this expression, which found its place in eighteen suras seventeen times in Qur'an as the expression of Qur'anic comments criticized in the 7th verse of Al-i Imran suras, has shaped the approach of the commentators to this word. It is seen that, in the tafseers they used this word as a common expression of the commentary forms criticized with different adjectives. This term, which is mainly used by commentators belonging to Ahlu-sunnah is used to describe the interpreted forms of interpretation, with sub-titles close to thirtieth qualification. These qualifications can be examined in six chapters, including those used in a number of critiques, those relating to the Arabic language, those relating to context of verses, those relating to sectarian interpretations, those used for aganist to the basic principles of religion and those relating to rumors and date datas. In this study, we will try to discuss how this concept is used in order to express the commentary forms criticized in the tafsirs and the difference between its types.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessQuranTa'vilInterpretationCriticQualificationThe Common Expression of Qur'an's Criticized Interpretations: Tevil and TypesArticle182123165#YOKWOS:000445573700005N/A