Balik, Fatih SuleymanKorkmaz, Hasan HusnuKamanli, MehmetBahadir, FatihKorkmaz, Serra ZerrinUnal, Alptug2020-03-262020-03-262013978-3-03785-771-71022-6680 International Conference on Multi-Functional Materials and Structures (MFMS 2013) -- JUL 14-17, 2013 -- King Mongkut's Univ Technol Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILANDIn the last decade, seven major earthquakes caused significant casualties and extensive structural failures. Thousands of RC buildings were severely damaged or collapsed in Turkey due to various deficiencies. This has initiated experimental studies on strengthening methods and intensive researches regarding the rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures by introducing reinforced concrete infill walls were carried out. Strengthening of reinforced concrete frames by cast-in-place reinforced concrete infills is commonly used in practice. Many structures were also repaired using this technique after the recent earthquakes. In this experimental research, six, one-bay/two-story, 1/3-scaled non-ductile, undamaged reinforced concrete (RC) frames were constructed and tested to investigate the behavior of frames strengthened by introducing infills with or without openings. The test specimens were subjected to reversed cyclic quasi-static lateral loading. The specimens were constructed with the most commonly observed deficiencies in residential RC buildings in Turkey. The first specimen was the reference bare specimen and contained no strengthening. The other specimens were infilled with RC panels with openings having different ratios and configurations. Strength, stiffness and storey drifts of the test specimens were measured and compared. Test results indicated that infilled RC frames displayed significantly higher lateral strength and stiffness than the non-ductile bare frame considerably.en10.4028/ concrete framesReinforced concrete shear wallCyclic loadingSeismic behaviorAn Experimental Study on Reinforced Concrete Infilled Frames with OpeningsConference Object747429+N/AWOS:000336185200099N/A