Kayili, GokhanAri, Ramazan2020-03-262020-03-2620111303-0485https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/26476This study examined the effects of the Montessori Method on preschool children's readiness to primary education. The research group is composed of five-six year olds attending SU MEF Ihsan Dogramaci Application Nursery School in 2009-2010 school year in Selcuktu county of Konya. The participants composed of five-six year olds were unbiasedly chosen. A total of 50 children were included in the study, 25 being in the experimental group and 25 being in the control group. In the study, Metropolitan Readiness Test was used to determine preschool school children's school readiness levels, B form of PKBS Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scale was used to determine preschool children's social skills, FTF-K attention gathering skills test for five-year old children was used to determine preschool children's attention gathering skills. The tests were administered to children before and after experimentation. and it was applied to experimental group again six weeks later. Mann Whitney U test and Witcoxon signed-rank test were used to analyze the data. The general conclusion of the results obtained is that The Montessori Method makes positive contribution to preschool children's readiness to primary school and is more efficient than current preschool education program.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessPreschool Educationthe Montessori MethodReadiness to Primary EducationExamination of the Effects of the Montessori Method on Preschool Children's Readiness to Primary EducationArticle11421042109WOS:000297137200020N/A