Özdöl, M. FerdaGüzel, HaticeOral, İmran2023-02-252023-02-252010Özdöl, M. F., Güzel, H., Oral, İ., (2010). Öğretmen Profillerinin Öğrenci Motivasyonuna Etkisi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 24, 241-253.2667-4750https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/45467Bu araştırmanın amacı Ortaöğretim Fizik Öğretmenlerinin demografik ve mesleğe yönelik profillerinin çıkarılması ve öğrencilerini motive etme derecelerinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırma, 2006 - 2007 öğretim yılında yapılmıştır. Araştırma kapsamına Konya ili, il merkezi ve ilçeleri Akşehir, Karapınar, Cihanbeyli, Ereğli’deki ortaöğretim kurumlarında görev yapan 103 fizik öğretmeni alınmıştır. Bu öğretmenlerin 87’si resmi okullarda, 16’sı özel okullarda çalışmaktadır Araştırmanın istatistiksel analizleri SPSS 15,0 paket programı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Öğretmenlerin demografik özelliklerinin analizinde frekans ve yüzde, öğretmen motivasyon ölçeği ortalamalarının cinsiyet, okul türü, lisansüstü eğitim yapma durumu, hizmet içi kursa katılma sayısı ve özel ders verme durumu değişkenlerine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini sınamak üzere bağımsız “t” testi, yaş ve kıdem değişkenlerine göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğini sınamak üzere ise tek yönlü varyans analizi ( Anova ) kullanılmıştır. Yapılan istatistiksel analizler sonucunda, ortaöğretim fizik öğretmenlerinin öğrencilerini motive etme derecelerinin, görev yapmakta oldukları kurum, yaş değişkeni, kıdem değişkeni, cinsiyet faktörü, lisansüstü eğitim yapıp yapmamaları, hizmet içi eğitim alma sayıları ve özel ders verip vermemelerine göre anlamlı bir farklılık göstermediği tespit edilmiştir.Introduction: The feature of a teacher is important as a person who arranges and leads the period in education system. Since teachers educate the students, it’s necessary for them to be intellectual, modern and qualified. Because a comprehension still survives nowadays that the most effective element in education system is “teacher”. Teaching profession is not only limited with information transfer. The researches in behavioral sciences indicated that the students are affected from the manners and behaviors of teachers. The students usually pay more attention to the approach of teacher for the subject than the subject told by him/her and are affected from the style how he/she comments ( Güven, 2001 ). This also is closely connected with the individual properties, education of the teachers, cultural and social factors in which he/she was grown or was present. In the study performed by European Education Information Network [ Eurydice ] ( 2004 ), the situation of secondary education teaching in Europe was revealed and the subjects such as education of teachers, demographic properties of teachers, the difficulties met during passage to the profession, the need for teachers, working conditions of teachers, improvement of the salaries and the future of teaching profession including 30 European countries were discussed. In the study, when the age profiles of teachers were investigated, it was determined that most of European countries will encounter with teacher shortage in the near future. Similarly, in a study performed together with UNESCO and ILO, it was determined that persistent increase in population and deterioration of working conditions decreased the number of teachers all over the world and it seemed possible that this situation might cause a decrease in the standards of education. Unesco Statistics Institution [IUS] ( 2004 ) prepared a detailed report including teacher shortage all over the world in terms of quantity. This study comprises of 50 countries from Asia, 44 countries from Europe and 17 countries from Ocean. Among these data, topics such as how many teachers are present in the world, who does this profession, under which conditions they work, how they are educated and how the government has an investment on them are included. This study makes a direct connection between status of a teacher and the quality of education. In places where employment conditions of teachers are better, priority was given to education and the quality of education is improved ( Atav, 2005 ). The problems about education in our country become more with physics teachers retiring from education sector. For this reason, it’s necessary to get the profiles of present physics teachers and to determine their levels to motivate the students in order to prevent this, to make teaching profession as a preferred one and to present reliable suggestions to decision-maker positions. Aim: In this research, it was aimed to get the demographic and occupational profiles of secondary education physics teachers, to determine their levels to motivate students and to get answers to questions such as whether this varies in terms of their individual properties or not. Problem: “Is there any effect of physics teacher profiles on motivation of student?” is creating the main problem of the study. Sub problems: 1. How are the demographic characteristics of physics teachers of secondary schools? 2. Do the physics teachers of secondary schools’ level of motivating their students vary depending on demographic characteristics of them? Method: This research was arranged in accordance with survey method. Since comparisons were carried out according to variables such as different genders, age, seniority and type of school where they work, taking sectioning from survey methods and relational survey approaches were adopted since they were used for determination of relations between continues variables of the research ( Çepni, 2010 ). Sample of the research: The sample of the study which was done in 2006-2007 academic year, was included 103 physics teachers who worked in high schools in the city center in Konya and in its counties such as Akşehir, Karapınar, Cihanbeyli and Ereğli. 87 of these teachers have been working in public schools and 16 of them have been working in private schools. Data collecting system: The two different questionnaires were used in the research in order to collect the data. These are: A questionnaire for Profile Properties of Teachers, A questionnaire for Conceptual Definitions Related with Motivation. “Questionnaire for Profile Properties of Teachers” was prepared by the researcher. The questionnaire constituted of 20 questions which include individual ones to determine the profiles of physics teachers present in the sample. In the preparation of “Questionnaire for Conceptual Definitions Related with Motivation”, a scale used by another researcher was benefited ( Köktürk, 1997). This questionnaire was in the aim of determining the levels of physics teachers to motivate the students. This questionnaire constituted of 56 questions and the researcher carried out confidence study. Internal consistency of Questionnaire for Conceptual Definitions Related with Motivation was found as 0.83 by Cronbah alfa method, as 0.77 by Spearman-Brown method and as 0.76 by Guttman method. The results obtained proved that the test can be used confidently. Data analysis: The SPSS 15.00 ( Statistical Package for Social Sciences ) package programme was used to evaluate the data. The ındependent samples t-test, one- way ANOVA, frequency and percentage were used for testing the data obtained from the study. Findings and comments: In this part of the research, the data collected by questionnaires from 103 physics teachers present in the sample were presented as tables and commented. At the first stage, the results of questionnaires applied for the sample group were given in tables as frequency and percentage distributions. Discussion: In this research, 80.6% of physics teachers present in the sample were male and 19.4% of them were female ( Table 1 ). In the report of UIS ( 2004 ), it was informed that the rate of females in a profession generally is related with the development levels of countries, the number of female teachers was increased in underdeveloped countries after 1990s, however, in spite of this, this number is still less than 50% in many countries. Deniz ( 2003 ) searched the levels of English teachers to motivate their students. It was determined that the high-level control sub dimension of scale did not differentiate in terms of gender. Medium-level control sub dimension of the scale, on the other hand, differentiated significantly in terms of gender. In this research, 9.7% of physics teachers present in the sample group were between 21 and 30 years old, 54.4% of them were between 31 and 40 years old, 29.1% of them were between 41 and 50 years old and 6.8% of them were older than 51 ( Table 1 ). According to the reports of UIS ( 2004 ) and Eurydice ( 2004 ) the teachers in developing countries are generally young and inexperienced. In most of these countries, 30% of teachers are younger than 30. In some countries, this rate is approximately 50%. In developed countries, on the other hand, the rate of teachers who are 40 and older is high. For example, in Germany and Sweden, it was informed that 70% of primary school teachers are older than 40. It was also determined in some European countries that the rate of teachers older than 50 is above the average ( Atav, 2005 ). In this research, when the sample group was investigated in terms of professional seniority, 11-15 senior teachers were first with 42.7% ( Table 1 ). In the research of Brickhouse ( 1990 ) and Lederman ( 1999 ), the biology teachers having less than 5 year teaching seniority and 14-15 years teaching seniority were compared in terms of teaching plans and applications in the class and it was determined that there was a significant difference between two groups in support of to teachers who have 14-15 years teaching seniority. In this research, the rate of physics teachers who had postgraduate and doctorate degrees in sample is very low. Similarly, in the study of Atav ( 2005 ), this rate was also found very low. Goldhaber and Brewer ( 2000 ) informed that teachers having postgraduate degree affected students positively and increased their success. Results: The results of this study for obtaining the demographic and occupational profiles of secondary education physics teachers and determination of their levels to motivate the students can be given as follows: 1) The levels of secondary education physics teachers to motivate students did not differentiate according to types of schools where they work. 2) Motivation of students by teachers was found as indifferent in terms of age and seniority variables. 3) Motivation of students by teachers was found as indifferent in terms of gender factor. 4) Motivation of students by teachers was also found as indifferent in terms of whether they had postgraduate education or not. 5) Motivation of students by teachers was found as indifferent in terms of number of in-service training of teachers and whether they give private lectures or not. Suggestions: In the light of results obtained in this research, the following suggestions can be made in order to improve the levels of secondary education physics teachers to motivate the students: 1) It will be so beneficial to encourage physics teachers to have postgraduate degree related with their department in order to develop themselves, to increase the motivation of both themselves and their students and to increase their work satisfaction. 2) It’s necessary to support teachers with equipments such as book, cd, etc. such in the case of computer campaign for their motivation development in terms of information. 3) It should be provided for teachers to participate in periodical courses and application studies at universities in order to inform them about developing scientific innovations. 4) It should be provided to perform in-service trainings more effectively. 5) Successful physics teachers should be selected on the basis of schools, district-city, regions and country every year and they should be rewarded, so success should be encouraged.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMotivasyonProfilÖğretmenÖğrenciMotivationProfileTeacherStudentÖğretmen Profillerinin Öğrenci Motivasyonuna EtkisiThe Effect of Teacher Profiles on Motivation of StudentArticle24241253