2021-01-042021-01-042013Ustuner, T., Hasbenli, A. (2013).Contributions to Family Stratiomyidae (Diptera) Fauna of Konya Province (Turkey). Journal of Selcuk University Natural and Applied Science, 2, (4), 40-55.2147-3781https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/40975The aim of this study was todetermine systematic and fauna of Stratiomyidae (Diptera) and to revealbiological richness in Konyabetween years of 2008-2010. 18 species of 8 genus of 4 subfamily of theStratiomyidae were found in fieldwork. Lasiopa, Oplodontha, Sargus arenew genus record for fauna of Konya.In addition, 14 species founded in fieldwork, Oxycera limbata Loew,1862, Oxycera meigenii Staeger, 1844, Oxycera trilineata (Linnaeus,1767), Sargus cuprarius (Linnaeus, 1758), Odontomyia discolor Loew,1846, Odontomyia cephalonica Strobl, 1898, Oplodontha viridula (Fabricius,1775), Stratiomys chamaeleon (Linnaeus, 1758), Stratiomys longicornis(Scopoli, 1763), Lasiopa caucasica (Pleske, 1901b), Nemotelusargentifer Loew, 1846, Nemotelus obscuripes Loew, 1871, Nemoteluspantherinus (Linnaeus, 1758), Nemotelus rudifranci (Berezovsky &Nartshuk, 1993), are new recorded for Konya fauna. As a result of thisstudy, the number of known genus has reached 8 and the number of known specieshas reached 22 in Konya.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessDipteraFaunaKonyaStratiomyidaeTurkeyContributions to Family Stratiomyidae (Diptera) Fauna of Konya Province (Turkey)Article244055