Aydınlı, Halil İbrahimTuran, Halil2023-02-252023-02-252012Aydınlı, H. İ., Turan, H., (2012). Kuramsal ve Yasal Çerçevede Türkiye’de Kentsel Dönüşüm. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26, 61-70.2667-4750https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/45442Küreselleşme sürecinin yaygınlaştığı günümüzde, devletlerin ve ulus altı yapılanmaların bu sürece eklemlenme çabalarında da artış yaşanmaktadır. Küreselleşmenin dönüştürdüğü üretim ve tüketim anlayışındaki gelişmeler, bunlara uyum sağlayabilecek mekânsal yeniden yapılanmaları da zorunlu kılmıştır. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde bu ihtiyaca cevap verme niteliği taşıyan kentsel dönüşüm uygulamaları, ülkemizde daha çok kaçak yapıların ıslahı ve önlenmesi, depreme dayanıksız konutların tasfiyesi, kentlerin estetize edilmesi ve özellikle büyük şehirlerin ekonomik ve turistik anlamda cazibe merkezi haline gelmesi amaçlarını taşımaktadır. Çalışma, kentsel dönüşüm kavramının kuramsal arka planı çerçevesinde, Türkiye'de kentsel dönüşümün yasal/kurumsal boyutlarını irdelemeyi, mevcut düzenlemelerdeki eksik yönleri ortaya koymayı ve nihayet çözüm önerilerinde bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır.Today when the globalization process is commonplace, there is an increasing trend in the articulation efforts of states and sub-national bodies to this process. Developments in production and consumption understanding transformed by the globalization have made obligatory the spatial restructuring which can adapt to these developments. In developed countries, these are urban transformation activities which aim to respond to this requisite whereas in our country, these are with the aim of prevention or amelioration of unlicensed construction, elimination of residences which are not resistant to earthquake and to aesthetic view to the cities. Historical origins dating back to the neolithic age and industrialization, along with the cities to be effective in the initial formation of agricultural production suffered a major change in the quality, focus on urban migration to urban centers has greatly increased. Since the 1970s, the emerging and settled in the focal point of knowledge, various paradigmatic approaches such as industrybordertransformation, post fordism, post modernism, information society, globalization to shape the new era, urbanization began to change in the spatial and sociological structure of the incomparable history, urban played a key role in the dynamic structure to adapt to new processes. Industry and industrial pre-aging of the moment, but in some areas due to various factors and leads to a crash. The process of globalization and the increasing importance of such a case, renewal and transformation needs of cities, primarily to governments, central and local authorities started to become the main problematic. This is the solution of problems in ensuring the sustainability of cities, is of vital importance in the formation of a healthy and livable cities. Urban transformation, in order to respond to the needs of all the functions and processes of renovation of cities all over the world the basic interests of the industrialized countries has been one of the early and late. Today, when the globalization process is commonplace, there is an increasing trend in the articulation efforts of states and sub-national bodies to this process. Developments in production and consumption understanding transformed by the globalization have made obligatory the spatial restructuring which can adapt to these developments. In early industrialized countries, this process intensified in the 18. and 19. centuries, but in our country, after the 1950s partly, after the 2000s in parallel with the local governments reforms, legal and institutional re-structuring processes are often discussed, and began to reach a certain density of discourse. The concept of urban renewal in the literature, the definition of many, In general, suffered a change in an urban region's economic, physical, social and environmental problems, said to be a point of view, trying to find a permanent solution. It is also possible to express the transformation of urban, social, economic and physical conditions in the worn-out structures in the city in mind, without prejudice to the revitalization of cultural texture, arrangement. The rapid change of the city's urban renewal projects of increasing social, economic, infrastructural needs, is intended to respond to the redevelopment of parts of the city. Re-arrangement of old areas of cities with urban renewal happens. Urban prosperity and enhancing the quality of life put forward a successful approach to economic development, urban regeneration objectives. Physical and social corruption, as well as one of the most important reasons coming to urban areas become depressed regions, the economic vitality of this area darkening. Urban transformation projects, which have become areas of physical and social collapse in parts of the city to develop strategies that will bring back the economic vitality of urban prosperity and quality of life in order to increase and thus. (Akkar, 2006: 30). Another area of depressed urban areas became a cause underlying social disorders. Urban renewal projects, investigate the causes for corruption in society, they take preventative measures, such as the objectives are also advising. Transferred to future generations the cultural heritage of the city, the urban transformation of the city's historic and cultural preservation purposes and tissue. 19. developed countries of Western Europe since the mid-century, resulting in physical, economic, social and cultural achievements have been made to solve the problems of urban regeneration through. Depressed during the first period in the areas of physical, economic forces, I've overcome the main objective, since the early 1990s the area became more important with the elimination of the social and cultural disadvantages (Göz, 2008: 11). Urban regeneration and development applications are discussed in European countries and the United States many years ago, in ensuring the legal and institutional structure, but in our country since the 1950s and 1980s, in part, after the 2000s, took place on the agenda in an intensive way. Emphasis on the physical and economic dimensions of the transformation of urban space during the 1980s, 1990s, but the space of physical, economic, social and environmental dimensions, as well as urban transformation of legal, institutional, organizational, monitoring and evaluation processes as an integrated approach was developed to address revitalize the opinion of the public interest can be exposed to the highest level of urban widely been defended (Akkar, 2006: 33). Effects of globalization in the 1990s began to be more common in our country, as well as the transition process to the European Union, the acquis compliance policies, has caused urban renewal practices. Used as a legal concept, a new concept of urban transformation, although the urban transformation of our country, draft laws and practices that have emerged after 2004. Seems unable to respond adequately to the needs Looking at the current legal regulations, in itself, an urban renewal law, observed that there is urgently needed. In Turkey, legal arrangements that urbanization is controlled and healthy conditions. Implementation of legislation allowing a certain amount of this material include transformation projects. However, the transformation of urban space as a whole, urbanization is not only the size of housing, social, economic and cultural aspects of the conversion also, there is a need to develop a legal target area. If urban transformation projects perform with the administration experts, civil society organizations, in a wide participation from the people of that place, results can be more efficiently. Studies of urban transformation, transforming the physical space should be considered alongside the social and cultural dimensions of the problem. Instead of one and the same solution to different problems of the cities and the city's residential zoning should be produced according to the characteristics of different solutions. The study aims to investigate the legal and institutional aspects of urban transformation in Turkey within the frame of theoretical background of urban transformation concept.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKentKentsel DönüşümTürkiye’de Kentsel DönüşümYerel YönetimlerCityUrban TransformationUrban Transformation in TurkeyLocal GovernmentsKuramsal ve Yasal Çerçevede Türkiye’de Kentsel DönüşümTheoretical And Legislative Framework Of Urban Regeneration In TurkeyArticle286170