Polat, Ahmet TuğrulGüngör, SertaçKaklık, Nail2020-03-262020-03-262010Polat, A. T., Güngör, S., Kaklık, N., (2010). Kyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Turkey the Design Principles of Japanese Gardens. Prostor, 18(2), 438-450.1330-0652https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/25035The natural, exotic and mystic properties of Japanese gardens differentiate them from other gardens in the world. Since Japanese gardens are created in many countries, many garden designers and garden users are curious about the main principles that influence the creation of these gardens. The objective of this research was to evaluate the adequacy of the Japanese garden in Konya in Turkey through application of the principles of the Japanese garden design. According to the research, the created garden in Turkey may represent a good example of Japanese gardens. The results obtained by this study may be taken as guiding principles for the creation of thematic Japanese gardens in the world.Japanski perivoji razlikuju se od drugih perivoja po svojim obilježjima poput prirodnosti, egzotičnosti i mističnosti. Japanski perivoji niču po cijelome svijetu i mnogi koji ih stvaraju ili koriste pitaju se po kojim se načelima oni oblikuju. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog istraživanja vrjednovanje autentičnosti japanskog perivoja u turskom gradu Konya primjenom načela oblikovanja japanskih vrtova. Istraživanje je dovelo do spoznaje da taj japanski perivoj može biti dobar primjer. Rezultati dobiveni tijekom istraživanja takoder bi mogli poslužiti kao svojevrsni standardi u procesu osnivanja tematskih japanskih perivoja u svijetu.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessgardenJapanese gardenKonya, Turkeylandscape designsymbolismvrtjapanski perivojKonya, Turskaperivojna arhitekturasimbolizamKyoto Japanese Garden in Konya, Turkey the Design Principles of Japanese GardensJapanski Perivoj Kyoto u Turskom Gradu Konyi, Oblikovni Principi Japanskog PerivojaArticle182438450WOS:000286405800013N/A