Turgut, Bayramİnal, CevatÇorumluoğlu, Özşen2020-03-262020-03-262004Turgut, B., İnal, C., Çorumluoğlu, Ö. (2004). Comparison of the geoid undulations obtained by EGM96, TG99 and GPS/leveling in Turkey. Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 39(4), 403-410.1217-8977https://dx.doi.org/10.1556/AGeod.39.2004.4.8https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12395/19337The EGM96 geopotential model has been developed by NASA, NIMA and Ohio State University. By means of this model, the geoid undulation of a point can be calculated if its latitude and longitude are known in WGS84 datum. A local geoid solution TG99 for Turkey has been developed by the General Command of Mapping in order to obtain orthometric height from GPS observation for Turkey. In this study, geoid undulations of 75 points have been obtained in an area of about 1700 km2 between the latitudes 39°39? -40°06? and longitudes 32°25?-32°57? by using EGM96, TG99 and GPS/Leveling and results were then compared. Geoid undulation differences have been obtained in the range between -12.8 cm and 61.3 cm for EGM96 and GPS/Leveling comparison and -17.2 cm and 18.2 cm for TG99 and GPS/Leveling comparison. © 2004 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.en10.1556/AGeod.39.2004.4.8info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessEGM96Geoid undulationGeopotential modelGPS/levelingTG99Jeoid dalgalanmasıJeopotansiyel modelGPS/düzlemeComparison of the geoid undulations obtained by EGM96, TG99 and GPS/leveling in TurkeyArticle394403410N/A